Transmission Loss Factor Table

Loss calculations are based on the Westar Energy Open Access Transmission Tariff-Volume 5 section 15.7.  The Loss Factors for each interface are calculated by taking the average of all the transmission line connect points between Westar Energy and the indicated company, weighted by the thermal capacity of the connection points.

Losses are always collected over the duration of the reservation.  At no time shall the amount of the scheduled POR energy exceed the POR demand + 1MW rounded to the nearest MW.

Losses are calculated by multiplying the POR demand times the Loss Factor.  Power Delivered at the POD is the POR demand less Losses.
Points of Delivery 
AECI 0.87% 1.62% 1.03% 1.62% 0.94% 1.14% 0.87% 0.97% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62%
AMEN 0.87% 1.62% 1.03% 1.62% 0.94% 1.14% 0.87% 0.97% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62%
BPU 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62%
CSWS 1.03% 1.03% 1.62% 1.62% 1.03% 1.14% 1.03% 1.03% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62%
EDE 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62%
KCPL 0.94% 0.94% 1.62% 1.03% 1.62% 1.14% 0.94% 0.97% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62%
MPS 1.14% 1.14% 1.62% 1.14% 1.62% 1.14% 1.14% 1.14% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62%
MWE 0.87% 0.87% 1.62% 1.03% 1.62% 0.94% 1.14% 0.97% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62%
OGE 0.97% 0.97% 1.62% 1.03% 1.62% 0.97% 1.14% 0.97% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62%
OPPD 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62%
WPEK 1.36% 1.36% 1.62% 1.36% 1.62% 1.36% 1.36% 1.36% 1.36% 1.62% 1.62%
WR 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62% 1.62%

To use the table, select the Point of Receipt (POR) from the left most column and the Point of Delivery (POD) from across the top.  The Loss Factor is at the intersection of the row and column.

Example:  For a transaction that moves power from OPPD to CSWS; the POR=OPPD, POD=CSWS, Loss Factor=1.62% of the POR quanity.

Transmission Loss Divisor Table

Calculating losses for a transaction can become confusing if the customer is trying to calculate the amount of energy they need  to deliver at the POR to deliver a certain amount of energy at the POD.  Mathmatically this is done by dividing the POD demand by 1 minus the Loss factor [ POR=POD/(1-Loss Factor)].

To assist the customer, WR has generated the Loss Divisor Table.  To calculate the necessary energy, divide the POD energy by the Loss Divisor [POR=POD/Loss Divisor].
Points of Delivery 
AECI 0.9913 0.9838 0.9897 0.9838 0.9906 0.9886 0.9913 0.9903 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838
AMEN 0.9913 0.9838 0.9897 0.9838 0.9906 0.9886 0.9913 0.9903 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838
BPU 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838
CSWS 0.9897 0.9897 0.9838 0.9838 0.9897 0.9886 0.9897 0.9897 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838
EDE 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838
KCPL 0.9906 0.9906 0.9838 0.9897 0.9838 0.9886 0.9906 0.9903 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838
MPS 0.9886 0.9886 0.9838 0.9886 0.9838 0.9886 0.9886 0.9886 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838
MWE 0.9913 0.9913 0.9838 0.9897 0.9838 0.9906 0.9886 0.9903 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838
OGE 0.9903 0.9903 0.9838 0.9897 0.9838 0.9903 0.9886 0.9903 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838
OPPD 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838
WPEK 0.9864 0.9864 0.9838 0.9864 0.9838 0.9864 0.9864 0.9864 0.9864 0.9838 0.9838
WR 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838 0.9838

You can calculate the POR (or billing demand) based on the POD demand by dividing the POD demand by the Loss Divisors shown above.

Example:  A customer requests service from OPPD to OGE and wants to deliver 50MW at the WR/OGE interface for one hour.
                 The billing demand is:  50 / 0.9838 = 50.8233 MW.
                 The energy schedule  IN (@ OPPD)=51MW;  The scheduled energy OUT (@OGE)=50MW.

For questions, contact:

Dennis Reed
Director Transmission Services

Rev. 10/2/03 D. Reed