Western Area Power Administration (Western)
Upper Great Plains Region (UGPR)

This listing shows older News items for the WAPA-UGP OASIS page and the older Western / Basin Electric Power Cooperative / Heartland Consumers Power District integrated transmission system called the Integrated System (IS) in the MAPP and WECC Regions.

Older News, Last Updated: 10/28/2022 (See Main OASIS Page for recent News)

09/23/2021 (Updated 09/29/2021) (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - Annual Update -- New UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2022 Posted

UGP provided notification by email on September 23, 2021 (Customer-Email-WAPA-UGP-2022-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf) of its Annual Update to its existing formula rates to the SPP Exploder List: Formula Rate Posting Information Notification (frpin@spplist.spp.org). UGP is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area.

The details of the 2022 UGP rate calculations (Effective 1/1/2022) are posted under the Rates Calculation sub-folder in the Rates folder, or directly at:
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-ESTIMATE-Templates-2022-0101.pdf (Excel version)   

UGP has also posted the UGP 2020 True-Up calculation under the Rates Calculation sub-folder in the Rates folder, or directly at:
(Excel version)   

UGP will also post its 2022 Rates updates to the SPP Member Related Postings page on the SPP OASIS.

  Customer Meeting: UGP will host a meeting to provide Customers and other interested parties an opportunity to discuss and comment on these recalculated revenue requirements on October 1, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. MDT (2:00 p.m. CDT) via WebEx.
WebEx information is here:  WAPA-UGP-Rates-Annual-Update-Customer-Meeting-2021-1001-Webex-Info.pdf.

Presentation:  Customer-Mtg-Presentation-WAPA-UGP-2022-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf   (POSTED 09/29/2021)  

  The WAPA-UGP Rates Summary/Notices document for 2022 is located at: UGP-Rates-2022-0101.pdf

12/31/2020 (UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - REVISED (Rev 2) UGP Rates Effective 02/01/2021 Posted

UGP provided notification by email on December 31, 2021 of its 30-day advance Notice of its participation in the Western Energy Imbalance Service Market (WEIS Market) administered by SPP, which is scheduled to "go-live" on February 1, 2021. At that time, WAPA-UGP will apply Energy Imbalance Service and Generator Imbalance Service charges under its Rate Schedules in its WAUW BAA based upon the WEIS Market providing such services effective February 1, 2021 (or the actual “go-live” date of the WEIS Market, if later).  All load and resources within the WAPA-UGP WAUW BAA will be subject to settlement under the WEIS Market pursuant to the provisions of the WEIS Tariff, and charges to customers for these ancillary services will be based upon the WEIS Market rates, terms, and conditions.

  The updated WAPA-UGP Rates Summary/Notices document for 2021 (Rev 2) is located at: http://www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-UGP-Rates-2021-0101.pdf

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov)

11/04/2020 (UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - REVISED (Rev 1) UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2021 Posted

UGP provided notification by email on October 30, 2020 of the posting of its Responses to the Information Requests received under its 2021 Annual Update to its existing formula
rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area to the SPP Exploder List ‘‘Formula Rate Posting Information Notification’’ (frpin@spplist.spp.org).

UGP also provided notification by email on November 1, 2020 of the posting of its REVISED (Rev 1) rates.

The details of the
REVISED (Rev 1) 2021 UGP rate calculations (Effective 1/1/2021) are posted under the "Rates Calculation" sub-folder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URLs:
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-ESTIMATE-Templates-2021-0101-Rev1.pdf (Excel version)   

UGP has also posted the
REVISED (Rev 1) UGP 2019 True-Up calculation under the "Rates Calculation" sub-folder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URLs:
(Excel version)   

UGP will also post these 2021 Rates updates to the SPP Member Related Postings page on the SPP OASIS at the following URL:


Rates Summary/Notices document for 2021 is located at: http://www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-UGP-Rates-2021-0101.pdf

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov) or Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 (sbaker@wapa.gov).

09/15/2020 (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - Annual Update -- New UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2021 Posted

UGP provided notification by email on September 15, 2020 (Customer-Email-WAPA-UGP-2021-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf) of its Annual Update to its existing formula rates to the SPP Exploder List ‘‘Formula Rate Posting Information Notification’’ (frpin@spplist.spp.org). UGP is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area.

The details of the 2021 UGP rate calculations (Effective 1/1/2021) are posted under the "Rates Calculation" sub-folder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URLs:
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-ESTIMATE-Templates-2021-0101.pdf (Excel version)   

UGP has also posted the UGP 2019 True-Up calculation under the "Rates Calculation" sub-folder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URLs:
(Excel version)   

UGP will also post its 2021 Rates updates to the SPP Member Related Postings page on the SPP OASIS at the following URL:

  Customer Meeting: UGP will host a meeting to provide Customers and other interested parties an opportunity to discuss and comment on these recalculated revenue requirements on September 24, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. MDT (2:00 p.m. CDT) via WebEx.
WebEx information is here:  WAPA-UGP-Rates-Annual-Update-Customer-Meeting-2020-0924-Webex-Info.pdf.

Presentation:  Customer-Mtg-Presentation-WAPA-UGP-2021-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf   (TO BE POSTED - WHEN AVAILABLE)  

  The WAPA-UGP Rates Summary/Notices document for 2021 is located at: http://www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-UGP-Rates-2021-0101.pdf

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov) or Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 (sbaker@wapa.gov).

02/08/2020: (Proposed NEW Business Practice) WAPA has posted a PROPOSED "Implementation Requirements under Order 842" Business Practice (BP), under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BPs - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed BP must be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov), OR to your applicable WAPA Regional Representative(s) as noted in the posting above.

01/26/2020: (Proposed NEW Business Practice) WAPA has posted a PROPOSED "Effective Date of Gen Power Factor Requirements under Order 827" Business Practice (BP), under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BPs - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed BP must be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov), OR to your applicable WAPA Regional Representative(s) as noted in the posting above.

10/21/2019: (UGP Transmission/Ancillary Rates for SPP) Notice of Posting of Formula Rate Templates (FRTs) for the Proposed UGP Transmission/Ancillary Rates (Rate Order No. WAPA-188)

As a follow-up to the 9/18/19 postings, in addition to the information previously provided, UGP has
provided notification by email on October 21, 2019 to the SPP Exploder List ‘‘Formula Rate Posting Information Notification’’ (frpin@spplist.spp.org) and posted the following proposed UGP Transmission/Ancillary Rates Formula Rate Templates (FRTs) (Effective 10/1/20) for review and comment. The FRTs are located in the “Rate Order No. WAPA-188” page under the “Rates” folder, and at the direct URLs:

    WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-ESTIMATE-Templates--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-DRAFT.xlsx  (PDF Version) 
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-TRUEUP-Templates--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-DRAFT.xlsx  (PDF Version)

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov) or Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 (sbaker@wapa.gov).

Please send written comments by email to UGPTrates@wapa.gov or to the address below:

Rates Manager
Upper Great Plains Region
Western Area Power Administration
2900 4th Ave North
Billings, MT 59101-1266
Fax: (406) 255-2900

Comments must be received by November 20, 2019.

 10/16/2019 (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - Annual Update -- New UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2020 Posted

UGP provided notification by email on October 16, 2019 (Customer-Email-WAPA-UGP-2020-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf) of its Annual Update to its existing formula rates to the SPP Exploder List ‘‘Formula Rate Posting Information Notification’’ (frpin@spplist.spp.org). UGP is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area. The details of the 2020 UGP rate calculations (Effective 1/1/2020) are posted under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URLs:
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-ESTIMATE-2020-0101.pdf (Excel version)   

UGP has also posted the UGP 2018 True-Up calculation under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URLs:
(Excel version)   

UGP will also post its 2020 Rates updates to the SPP Member Related Postings page on the SPP OASIS at the following URL:

  Customer Meeting: UGP will host a meeting to provide Customers and other interested parties an opportunity to discuss and comment on these recalculated revenue requirements on October 29, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. MDT (10:00 a.m. CDT) at the UGP offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, MT. The meeting will also be available via WebEx.
WebEx information is here:  WAPA-UGP-Rates-Annual-Update-Customer-Meeting-2019-1029-Webex-Info.pdf.

Presentation:  Customer-Mtg-Presentation-WAPA-UGP-2020-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf   (TO BE POSTED - WHEN AVAILABLE)  

  The WAPA-UGP Rates Summary/Notices document for 2020 is located at: http://www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-UGP-Rates-2020-0101.pdf

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov) or Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 (sbaker@wapa.gov).

09/18/2019: (UGP Transmission/Ancillary Rates for SPP) Notice of Posting of Information/Presentations for the Proposed UGP Transmission/Ancillary Rates (Rate Order No. WAPA-188)

The following Information/Presentations has (or will be posted in the near future) for the Proposed UGP Transmission/Ancillary Service Rates:

1. Rates Customer Brochure; describing proposed Transmission and Ancillary Service Rates:
    WAPA-UGP-Trans-Ancillary-Rates-Customer-Brochure--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188.pdf  (Posted 9/18/19)

2. Public Information Forum Presentation:  Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-Public-Information-Forum-Presentation.pdf  (Posted 9/18/19)
3. Public Comment Forum Presentation:  Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-Public-Comment-Forum-Presentation.pdf  (Posted 9/18/19)

4. Proposed Rate Schedules (Redlines): 
WAPA-UGP-Rate-Schedules--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-DRAFT(Redlines).pdf  (Posted 9/18/19) 
5. Proposed Rate Schedules (Clean):  WAPA-UGP-Rate-Schedules--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-DRAFT(Clean).pdf  (Posted 9/18/19) 

6. Proposed Formula Rate Implementation Protocols: 
WAPA-UGP-Formula-Rate-Implementation-Protocols--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-DRAFT.pdf  (Posted 9/18/19)   

7. Proposed Rate Templates for Transmission and Ancillary Service:
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rate-Templates--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-DRAFT.xlsx (TO BE POSTED - WHEN AVAILABLE) 
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rate-Templates--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-DRAFT.pdf (TO BE POSTED - WHEN AVAILABLE) 

08/23/2019: (UGP Transmission/Ancillary Rates for SPP) Notice of Proposed UGP Transmission/Ancillary Rates - Federal Register notice, Announcement of Public Information and Public Comment Forums (Rate Order No. WAPA-188)

As described in the August 22, 2019, Federal Register notice (FRN-Proposed-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2019-0822.pdf), Western Area Power
Administration (WAPA) proposes new formula rates for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program—Eastern Division (P–SMBP—ED) transmission and ancillary services. These rates will be used by the WAPA Upper Great Plains Region (UGP) to provide rate data to the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP), the Regional Transmission Organization of which UGP is a member. The existing rates for services expire on September 30, 2020. The proposed rates should not result in increased overall costs to customers compared to the current formula rates because the increase to the Operating Reserves rate is expected to be offset by a similar reduction in the transmission rate. The proposed rates continue the formula-based methodology that includes an annual update to the financial data in the rate formulas with only limited changes to: (1) The Rate Formula Templates to increase transparency; (2) the Rate Formula Implementation Protocols to clarify the UGP rate implementation and annual update procedures; (3) the Operating Reserves formula rates to incorporate costs associated with the UGP current reserve sharing group membership; and (4) the Rate Schedules for Energy Imbalance and Generator Imbalance to accommodate possible participation in a Western Interconnection energy imbalance service market. WAPA intends the proposed formula-based rates, if adopted, to go into effect on October 1, 2020. The charges under the rates would be updated on January 1 of each year thereafter. The proposed formula rates would remain in effect until September 30, 2025, or until WAPA changes the formula rates through another public rate process pursuant to 10 CFR part 903, whichever occurs first.

Transmission and ancillary services are provided by SPP over UGP facilities transferred to the functional control of SPP under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (SPP Tariff). UGP needs to adopt new formula rates for these transmission and ancillary services so the UGP costs can continued to be recovered under the SPP Tariff. The proposed formula rates provide UGP sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expenses, and repay investment. The UGP membership in SPP and the functional control of its facilities is in accordance with the SPP Membership Agreement, Bylaws, and Tariff (SPP Governing Documents) and other contractual arrangements with SPP.

WAPA provided notification and posted information by email on August 23, 2019 about the proposed formula rates to the SPP ‘‘Formula Rate Posting Information Notification’’ Exploder List: frpin@ spplist.spp.org

Publication of the August 22, 2019, Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed formula rates.  The consultation and comment period begins with the Federal Register notice publication and will end November 20, 2019.  WAPA will accept written comments any time during the 90-day consultation and comment period. WAPA will present a detailed explanation of the proposed formula rates and other modifications at the following public information forums:

September 24, 2019,
from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. CDT -- Holiday Inn Downtown Omaha, 1420 Cuming St. Omaha, NE
September 25, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. CDT -- Radisson Hotel Bismarck, 605 East Broadway, Bismarck, ND

WAPA will accept oral and written comments at the following public comment forums:

September 24, 2019, from 11 a.m. to no later than 12 p.m. CDT -- Holiday Inn Downtown Omaha, 1420 Cuming St. Omaha, NE
September 25, 2019, from 11 a.m. to no later than 12 p.m. CDT -- Radisson Hotel Bismarck, 605 East Broadway, Bismarck, ND

 Information on this rate process is, or will be, posted on: 1) the UGP OASIS at http://www.oasis.oati.com/wapa/index.html; 2) the UGP Rates Web Page at:
https://www.wapa.gov/regions/UGP/rates/Pages/rates.aspx; and 3) the "Western Area Power Administration UGP Information" link on the SPP Member Related Postings website at: http://opsportal.spp.org/OASIS/Directory/Member%20Related%20Postings

The proposed Transmission and Ancillary Rates are described in the Rate Brochure:
WAPA-UGP-Trans-Ancillary-Rates-Customer-Brochure--Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188.pdf (TO BE POSTED - WHEN AVAILABLE)

The presentations given at the public meetings and any future information, will be available in the "Rates" Folder on the WAPA OASIS and other links noted above.
Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-Public-Information-Forum-Presentation.pdf  Rate-Order-No-WAPA-188-Public-Comment-Forum-Presentation.pdf  (TO BE POSTED - WHEN AVAILABLE)

 12/29/2018 (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - REVISED UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2019 Posted

As described in the December 28, 2018, letter to Customers ( Customer-Letter-WAPA-UGP-2019-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-REVISED.pdf), UGP has REVISED its updated rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area. The letter to Customers and details of the REVISED 2019 UGP rate calculations are posted under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-Calc-2019-0101(Rev1).pdf

UGP has also posted the REVISED UGP 2017 True-Up calculation under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2017-TrueUp(Rev1).pdf

UGP will also post its REVISED 2019 Rates updates to the SPP Member Related Postings page on the SPP OASIS at the following URL:

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov).

 09/25/2018 (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - New UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2019 Posted

  10/30/18 Customer Meeting Presentation: 

As described in the September 25, 2018, letter to Customers ( Customer-Letter-WAPA-UGP-2019-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf), UGP is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area. The letter to Customers and details of the 2019 UGP rate calculations are posted under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-Calc-2019-0101.pdf

UGP has also posted the UGP 2017 True-Up calculation under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2017-TrueUp.pdf

UGP will also post its 2019 Rates updates to the SPP Member Related Postings page on the SPP OASIS at the following URL:

  UGP will host a meeting to provide Customers and other interested parties an opportunity to discuss and comment on these recalculated revenue requirements on October 30, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. MDT (2:00 p.m. CDT) at the UGP offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, MT. The meeting will also be available via WebEx. For those desiring to attend the meeting in person or via WebEx, please contact Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 or sbaker@wapa.gov before October 30, 2018, for meeting or WebEx access information.

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov).

06/05/2018: (Proposed Business Practice REVISION) WAPA has posted a PROPOSED REVISION to its Meter Policy Business Practice (BP), under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BPs - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed BP revision must be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov), OR to your applicable WAPA Regional Representative(s) as noted in the posting above.

01/19/2018: (Proposed Business Practice REVISION) WAPA has posted a PROPOSED REVISION to its Network Upgrades Policy Business Practice (BP), under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BPs - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

The WAPA "Transmission System Network Upgrades Policy Document" has limited applicability to Western-UGP and will not be applicable to transmission service on the transmission facilities that Western-UGP has transferred functional control of to SPP, and for which transmission service is offered under the SPP Tariff.  Comments regarding the proposed BP revision must be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov), OR to your applicable WAPA Regional Representative(s) as noted in the posting above.

(10/30/2017 - Presentation Posted) 09/27/2017 (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - New UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2018 Posted
  10/31/17 Customer Meeting Presentation: 

As described in the September 26, 2017, letter to Customers ( Customer-Letter-WAPA-UGP-2018-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates.pdf), Western-UGP is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area. The letter to Customers and details of the 2018 UGP rate calculations are posted under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-Calc-2018-0101.pdf

Western-UGP has also posted the UGP 2016 True-Up calculation under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: WAPA-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2016-TrueUp.pdf

Western-UGP will also post its 2018 Rates updates to the SPP Member Related Postings page on the SPP OASIS at the following URL:

 Western-UGP will host a meeting to provide customers and other interested parties an opportunity to discuss and comment on these recalculated revenue requirements on October 31, 2017, at 9:00a.m. MDT at the Western offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, MT. The meeting will also be available via WebEx. For those desiring to attend the meeting in person or via WebEx, please contact Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 or sbaker@wapa.gov before October 31, 2017, for meeting or WebEx access information.

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov).

  06/27/2017: (Proposed Business Practice) WAPA has posted two (2) PROPOSED WAPA-wide Business Practices (BPs) related to Behind the Meter Generation under its OATT and to its General Requirements for Interconnection (GRI), under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BPs - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

The WAPA Behind the Meter Generation BP will not be applicable to transmission service on the transmission facilities that Western-UGP has transferred functional control of to SPP, and for which transmission service is offered under the SPP Tariff.  Comments regarding the proposed BP(s) should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)

10/21/2016 (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - New UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2017 Posted (10/31/16 - Presentation Posted)

  10/31/16 Customer Meeting Presentation: 

As described in the October 21, 2016, letter to Customers ( Customer-Letter-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2016-1021.pdf), Western-UGP is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area. The letter to Customers and details of the 2017 UGP rate calculations are posted under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-Calc-2017-0101.pdf

Western-UGP has also posted the UGP 2015 True-Up calculation under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2015-TrueUp.pdf

 Western-UGP will host a meeting to provide customers and other interested parties an opportunity to discuss and comment on these recalculated revenue requirements on October 31, 2016, at 9:00a.m. MDT at the Western offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, MT. The meeting will also be available via WebEx. For those desiring to attend the meeting in person or via WebEx, please contact Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 or sbaker@wapa.gov before October 31, 2016, for meeting or WebEx access information.

Western-UGP has also posted the IS 2015 True-Up calculation under the "Historic IS Rates Calculations" subfolder in the "Historic IS Info - Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: IS-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2015-TrueUp.pdf

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov).

03/03/2016: (UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates PostingOn February 18, 2016, a Federal Register Notice (FRN) was published providing notice (ACTION) of transfer of functional control of eligible Western-Upper Great Plains Region transmission facilities to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. on October 1, 2015, and Rate Schedules WAUGP-ATRR, WAUGP-AS1, WAUW-AS3, WAUW-AS4, WAUW-AS5, WAUW-AS6 and WAUW-AS7 made effective on that date.  The Federal Register Notice summary follows:

SUMMARY: Western Area Power Administration (Western) transferred functional control of eligible Western-Upper Great Plains Region (Western-UGP) transmission facilities to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) on October 1, 2015. Transmission service is being provided over the Western-UGP eligible facilities under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff. Western-UGP costs are included in Western-UGP Formula rates for Transmission and Ancillary Services under Rate Schedules WAUGP-ATRR, WAUGP-AS1, WAUW-AS3, WAUW-AS4, WAUW-AS5, WAUW-AS6 and WAUW-AS7, which became effective on October 1, 2015.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On July 27, 2015, Western published a Federal Register Notice (80 FR 44339) providing a Notice of Final Transmission and Ancillary Services Formula Rates for the Western Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED). Western explained that Western-UGP intended to transfer functional control of the Western-UGP PSMBP--ED eligible transmission facilities located in the Upper Missouri Zone (UMZ or Zone 19) to SPP on October 1, 2015. Western announced the final transmission and ancillary services formula rates and the P-SMBP--ED transmission and ancillary services formula rates would go into effect when functional control was transferred to SPP. The purpose of this notice is to announce that Western-UGP successfully transferred functional control of eligible transmission facilities on October 1, 2015, and Rate Schedules WAUGP-ATRR, WAUGP-AS1, WAUW-AS3, WAUW-AS4, WAUW-AS5, WAUW-AS6 and WAUW-AS7 were made effective on that date.

The Federal Register Notice is available at the following link: FRN-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-Notice-2016-0218.pdfIf you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov).

12/03/2015 : (Proposed Business Practice) Western-UGP has posted a PROPOSED WAUW Balancing Authority Area related Business Practice (BP) for Miles City DC Tie Tag Curtailments due to Deadband, under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BPs - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "UGPR Draft Business Practices" link, or directly via the following URL: http://www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-UGPR-Business-Practices-Draft.html

This Western-UGP BP will be provided to SPP, and also posted by SPP on its OASIS page upon reaching Effective BP status given its potential impacts on transmission service provided by SPP under the SPP Tariff.  Comments regarding the proposed BP(s) should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)
11/29/2015 : (Proposed Business Practice) Western has posted a PROPOSED Western-wide Business Practice (BP) related to Curtailments under its OATT, under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BPs - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

This Western BP will not be applicable to the transmission facilities that Western-UGP has transferred functional control of to SPP, and for which transmission service is offered under the SPP Tariff.  Comments regarding the proposed BP(s) should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)

10/07/2015 (Updated) (New UGP Trans. & Anc. Service Rates Posting) Notice - New UGP Rates Effective 01/01/2016 Posted

10/29/2015 Update -- 10/29/15 Customer Meeting Presentation: 

As described in the October 6, 2015, letter to Customers ( Customer-Letter-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2015-1006.pdf ), Western-UGP is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) that are utilized in the SPP Zone 19 pricing zone (also referred to as the Upper Missouri Zone or UMZ) and also in its WAUW Balancing Authority Area. The letter to Customers and details of the 2016 UGP rate calculations are posted under the "Rates Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-Calc-2016-0101.pdf

Western-UGP will host a meeting to provide customers and other interested parties an opportunity to discuss and comment on these recalculated revenue requirements on October 29, 2015, at 9:00a.m. MDT at the Western offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, MT. The meeting will also be available via WebEx. For those desiring to attend the meeting in person or via WebEx, please contact Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 or sbaker@wapa.gov before October 29, 2015, for meeting or WebEx access information.

Western-UGP has also posted the IS 2014 True-Up calculation under the "Historic IS Rates Calculations" subfolder in the "Historic IS Info - Rates" folder, or directly at the following URL: IS-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2014-TrueUp.pdf

  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov).

 10/01/15 : Status of Western-UGP Membership in SPP, Impacts to Existing IS Customers
Western-UGP transferred functional control of its eligible transmission facilities to SPP on midnight September 30, 2015.  Therefore, as of October 1, 2015, all IS transmission service was terminated.  The Western-UGP OASIS home page was transitioned and is now hosted on the SPP OASIS.  All of the TSRs on the Western-UGP OASIS home page that represent the previous IS transmission service have been recalled effective October 1, 2015 and beyond. Western-UGP is currently updating its OASIS home page to maintain the necessary IS historical information and to post relevant information related to its membership in SPP.  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov).

07/29/2015 (Updated 08/04/2015) : (Western UGP Transmission and Ancillary Rates for SPP Integration) Notice - New Western UGP Transmission and Ancillary Rates Effective 10/01/2015 for SPP Integration

08/04/2015 Update - Western-UGP Transmission Facilities Eligible for SPP Inclusion (2015)
- Direct link to document already posted in the "SPP Integration" Folder added here for convenience.  This document shows the Western-UGP Transmission Facilities included (and also excluded) in its 2015 transmission rates.

In addition, with Western's recent Web Site updates, the old URL http://www.wapa.gov/ugp/rates/default.htm may not work.  Information regarding
this rate process is also posted on the Upper Great Plains Region's Rates Web Page at the new URL: https://www.wapa.gov/regions/UGP/rates/Pages/rates.aspx

The July 27, 2015, Federal Register notice placing formula transmission and ancillary services rates for Western Area Power Administration's (Western) Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program--Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) into effect on an interim basis effective October 1, 2015, upon transfer of functional control of eligible Western-Upper Great Plains Region (Western-UGP) transmission facilities to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) is available at the following link: FRN-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2015-0727.pdf. These formula rates will remain in effect until September 30, 2020, pending approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on a final basis or until superseded. Notification of the transfer of functional control and the effective date of the formula rates will be published in the Federal Register. These formula rates will be recalculated annually using updated financial information from Western-UGP and submitted to SPP to provide and bill for services under the SPP Tariff  The Federal Register Notice summary follows:

ACTION: Notice of Final Transmission and Ancillary Services Formula Rates.
SUMMARY: The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-170 and Rate Schedules WAUGP-ATRR, WAUGP-AS1, WAUW-AS3, WAUW-AS4, WAUW- AS5, WAUW-AS6 and WAUW-AS7. Through this notice, the Western Area Power Administration (Western), places formula transmission and ancillary services rates for Western's Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED) into effect on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis, or until they are superseded. The provisional formula rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all associated annual costs, including interest expense, and repay required investment within the allowable periods.

 DATES: Formula rates for Transmission and Ancillary Services under Rate Schedules WAUGP-ATRR; WAUGP-AS1, WAUW-AS3, WAUW-AS4, WAUW-AS5, WAUW-AS6 and WAUW-AS7 are effective on the first day of the first full billing period beginning on or after October 1, 2015, upon transfer of functional control of eligible Western-Upper Great Plains Region (Western-UGP) transmission facilities to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) and will remain in effect until September 30, 2020, pending approval by FERC on a final basis or until superseded. Notification of the transfer of functional control and the effective date of the formula rates will be published in the Federal Register.

Western sent the following letter, dated July 28, 2015, to its Transmission Customers and Other Interested Parties:  Customer-Letter-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2015-0728.pdf

12/16/2014 : (Western UGP Transmission and Ancillary Rates for SPP Integration) Notice of Posted 12/16/14 Updates to Proposed Western UGP Transmission and Ancillary Rates Brochure and Public Comment Forum Presentation

The proposed Transmission and Ancillary Rates are described in the Rate Brochure:
(Posted 12/16/14)

The presentations given at the public meetings and any future information, will be available in the "SPP Integration" Folder on Western's OASIS.
Public-Comment-Forum-Presentation-2014-1217-18.pdf  (Posted 12/16/14)

11/04/2014 (Updated 11/21/2014) : (Western UGP Transmission and Ancillary Rates for SPP Integration) Notice of Proposed Western UGP Transmission and Ancillary Rates - Announcement of Public Information and Public Comment Forums

As described in the November 3, 2014, Federal Register notice (FRN-Proposed-UGP-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2014-1103.pdf),
the Western Area Power Administration (Western), a power marketing administration within the Department of Energy (DOE), is proposing new formula transmission and ancillary services rates for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP--ED). The proposed formula rates would become effective October 1, 2015, and remain in effect until September 30, 2020, or until Western changes the formula rates through another public rate process pursuant to 10 CFR part 903, whichever is sooner. Western's Upper Great Plains Region (Western-UGP) has joined the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) contingent upon Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approval of the Western-UGP negotiated provisions in the SPP Membership Agreement, Bylaws, and Tariff (SPP Governing Documents). Transmission and ancillary services will be provided over Western-UGP facilities under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (Tariff) by SPP as the transmission service provider upon Western-UGP transferring functional control to SPP.  Western-UGP needs to adopt new formula rates for these transmission and ancillary services so the Western-UGP costs can be recovered under the SPP Tariff. These formula rates will provide Western sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expenses, and repay required investments within the allowable periods. The Western-UGP membership in SPP and the functional control of its facilities will be in accordance with the SPP Governing Documents and other contractual arrangements with SPP. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed rates.

Western sent the following letter, dated 11/3/14, to its Transmission Customers and Other Interested Parties:  Customer-Letter-2014-1103-FRN-Announcement.pdf

Publication of the November 3, 2014, FRN begins the formal process for the proposed formula rates.  The consultation and comment period begins with the Federal Register notice publication and will end February 2, 2015.  Western will accept written comments any time during the 90-day consultation and comment period. Western will present a detailed explanation of the proposed formula rates at the following public information forums:

November 19, 2014,
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST -- Holiday Inn Downtown Omaha, 1420 Cuming St. Omaha, NE
November 20, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST -- Ramada Plaza & Suites and Conf. Center, 1635 42nd St. South, Fargo, ND

Western will accept oral and written comments at the following public comment forums:

December 17, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST -- Holiday Inn Downtown Omaha, 1420 Cuming St. Omaha, NE
December 18, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST -- Ramada Plaza & Suites and Conf. Center, 1635 42nd St. South, Fargo, ND

 Information on this rate process is posted on Western's OASIS and at the Upper Great Plains Region's Rates Web Page at:

The proposed Transmission and Ancillary Rates are described in the Rate Brochure:
(Posted 11/21/14)

The presentations given at the public meetings and any future information, will be available in the "SPP Integration" Folder on Western's OASIS.
Public-Information-Forum-Presentation-2014-1119-20.pdf  (Posted 11/21/14)

09/11/14 : SPP FERC Filing of proposed changes to the SPP Tariff, Membership Agreement, and Bylaws for Western (and other IS members) Integration into SPP SPP-FERC-Filing-ER14-2850-IS-Tariff-Changes-2014-0911.pdf

 (09/05/2014 Update - Customer Letter Posted) 08/31/14 : Status of Western UGPR (and other IS Parties) Efforts to Pursue Membership in SPP, Impacts to Existing IS Customers, Proposed Kick-off Informational Webinar on 9/12/14 @ 1pm CDT (Update) Customer Letter Dated 9/3/14
Western (UGPR) and the other IS Parties have completed formal negotiations with the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) concerning membership and have received SPP Board of Director's approval of the requested changes to the SPP Membership Agreement, SPP Bylaws, and SPP Tariff to accommodate the integration of the IS Parties into SPP, planned for October 1, 2015.

All of the IS Parties have received the necessary internal approvals and authorizations to proceed with joining SPP.  On July 8, 2014, the Heartland Consumers Power District Board of Directors approved a resolution authorizing execution of a membership agreement with SPP.  On July 9, 2014, Western's Administrator Mark Gabriel approved and directed Western's Upper Great Plains Region to take the necessary actions to accomplish full membership with SPP (contingent upon FERC approval of the Western negotiated provisions).  Western Press Release.  On July 16, 2014, the Basin Electric Power Cooperative Board of Directors authorized joining of SPP subject to FERC approval of necessary documents. 

SPP plans to file the proposed IS Parties' Member Agreements, Bylaws changes, and SPP Tariff changes early September 2014 to FERC for approval.

Subject to obtaining the required approvals from FERC that maintain the negotiated provisions with SPP, the IS Parties plan to integrate as full members of SPP effective October 1, 2015.  At that time, no transmission service on the IS will be offered under Western's Tariff and under the IS Rates, and Transmission Customers will need to obtain all transmission and ancillary services from SPP under the SPP Tariff and under the applicable SPP Rates.  Western intends to exercise the provision in Western's Tariff and Transmission and Network Service Agreements allowing Western to terminate such Service Agreements to allow it to join an Independent System Operator by providing a one-year written termination notice.  Therefore, existing IS Customers will need to make arrangements to become eligible Transmission Customers of SPP, document their existing transmission service with SPP to be included in the Transmission Congestion Rights (TCR) market, and transition their existing IS service to SPP service.  Information regarding SPP registration procedures, schedules, and contact information for SPP staff, can be found at the following link:  SPP Registration Information for IS Customers

Western (UGPR), as the IS Administrator, will be hosting a kick-off Informational Webinar on Friday, September 12, 2014, at 1pm CDT to provide additional details on the upcoming SPP integration and answer IS Customer questions.  Those parties desiring to attend the Webinar will need to contact Ms. Kass Portra at (406) 255-2842 (or by email at portra@wapa.gov) for access information.

Western will be posting detailed information and status updates regarding the SPP integration in the "SPP Integration" folder on Western's WAPA OASIS page as it becomes available.

11/05/2013 : Alternative Operations Study (AOS), Letter to Customers, Announcement of Public Meetings

Western Area Power Administration, Upper Great Plains Region, a power marketing administration of the Department of Energy, is publishing a recommendation to pursue formal negotiations with the Southwest Power Pool, a Regional Transmission Organization, concerning membership.  Western is seeking public comment from Western’s customers, Tribes, stakeholders, and the public at large.  A decision to pursue implementation of the recommendation is expected mid-December and will be posted on Western's AOS website: https://www.wapa.gov/regions/UGP/PowerMarketing/Pages/spp-membership.aspx .

The Federal Register Notice was published on 11/01/13.  The 45-day public comment period is open from 11/1/13 through 12/16/13.  Documentation related to the AOS is available at the Western website above.

Western plans several meetings where it will present a detailed explanation of the AOS Team's findings and recommendation.  Public comment forums will be held on the following dates (see the website above for meeting locations and other details regarding submission of comments).

November 13, 2013 (9 am to no later than 1 pm MST) - Webinar
November 19, 2013 (8:30 am to no later than 1 pm CST) - Meeting in Lincoln, NE
November 20, 2013 (8:30 am to no later than 1 pm CST) - Meeting in Sioux Falls, SD
November 21, 2013 (8:30 am to no later than 1 pm CST) - Meeting in Fargo, ND

For further information, please contact:

Jody S. Sundsted, UGP Power Marketing Manager
Western Area Power Administration
Upper Great Plains Region
2900 4th Avenue North, Suite 600
Billings, MT 59101-1266
Telephone (406) 255-2910, email sundsted@wapa.gov

09/13/13 : (New Rates Postings): IS 2014 Rates Update Letter to Customers, Announcement of Public Meeting, Posting of IS Rates 2012 True-up Calculation

Western will host a meeting to provide customers an opportunity to discuss and comment on the Integrated System (IS) 2014 recalculated rates on October 15, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. MDT at Western's offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, Montana, as described in the 09/13/2013 letter to customers.  The meeting will also be available via WebEx, and those desiring to attend the meeting via WebEx will need to contact Ms. Sara Baker at (406) 255-2924 (or by email at sbaker@wapa.gov) before September 27, 2013 for access information. If you will attend in person, please e-mail your intention to do so to UGPISRate@wapa.gov prior to September 27,2013

Customer-Information-Meeting-Presentation-2013-1015.pdf    (TO BE POSTED, when available)

The details of the 2014 IS rate calculations, and 2012 IS rate true-up calculation are posted under the "Rates/Losses Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates/Losses" folder on Western's WAPA OASIS page, or directly at the following URLs:

(Proposed Environmental Clause Templates Update) Western has posted PROPOSED updates to its existing Environmental Clause Templates (EA and EIS Review Agreements) under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BP's - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed updates should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)


04/16/2013 : (Proposed Business Practice Update) Western has posted a PROPOSED update to its existing business practice for TSR Annulments under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BP's - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed business practice should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)

04/15/2013: OATT Revision Filed with FERC, Effective Date of May 13, 2013:  Western has filed revisions to its OATT on April 12, 2013, to clarify certain provisions and correct errors in Western's prior filings.  Western has requested an effective date of May 13, 2013.  A copy of Western's filing letter WAPA OATT Revision Filing (April 12, 2013) is available under the "Tariff" Documents Folder on the WAPA OASIS at the following URL: WAPA-Tariff-Docs.  Updated OATT documents reflecting the revisions will be made available on the OASIS in the near future.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders (Western) at 406-255-2840, or by email at sanders@wapa.gov.

03/25/2013:  (Emergency Business Practice)  Western has posted a new emergency business practice for Temporary Limit on Multiple Transmission Service Requests under its "Business Practice" folder, or directly via the following URL:  www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA_UPGR_BP_Multiple_TSR_v1_2013-03-26.pdf  This Business Practice is EFFECTIVE at 09:00 CPT on 3/26/2013

If you have any questions, please contact Kass Portra (Western) at 406-255-2842, or by email at portra@wapa.gov.

(Proposed Business Practice) Western has posted a PROPOSED business practice for LGIA Option to Build under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BP's - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed business practice should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)

10/31/2012 : (Proposed Business Practice) Western has posted a PROPOSED business practice for TSR Annulments under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BP's - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed business practice should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)

10/15/2012 (Update to 09/17/2012 posting to include presentation) : (New Rates Postings): IS 2013 Rates Update Letter to Customers, Announcement of Public Meeting, Posting of IS Rates 2011 True-up Calculation

Western will host a meeting to provide customers an opportunity to discuss and comment on the Integrated System (IS) 2013 recalculated rates on October 15, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. MDT at Western's offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, Montana, as described in the 09/07/2012 letter to customers.  The meeting will also be available via WebEx, and those desiring to attend the meeting via WebEx will need to contact Mr. Stan Bayley at (406) 255-2923 (or by email at bayley@wapa.gov) before September 28, 2012 for access information.

(UPDATE) Presentation: 

The details of the 2013 IS rate calculations, and 2011 IS rate true-up calculation are posted under the "Rates/Losses Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates/Losses" folder on Western's WAPA OASIS page, or directly at the following URLs:

02/02/2012 : (Proposed Business Practice) Western has posted a PROPOSED business practice for Resales of Transmission Rights under its "Business Practices" folder; "Draft BP's - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder; and "Business Practices Common to all Western Regions" link, or directly via the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/woa/docs/WAPA/WAPAdocs/Western-Common-Business-Practices-Draft.html

Comments regarding the proposed business practice should be submitted within 10 business days of the posting date noted at the location above to:
  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov) and Kass Portra at 406-255-2842 (email: portra@wapa.gov)

01/01/2012 : (New Rates Postings): IS 2012 Recalculated Rates, Update Letter to Customers

As a follow-up to the September 29, 2011 public meeting, Western notified customers of the Integrated System (IS) 2012 recalculated rates in the 12/27/2011 letter to customers: Customer-Letter-2012-IS-Recalculated-Rates.pdf.

The details of the 2012 IS rate calculations are posted under the "Rates/Losses Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates/Losses" folder on Western's WAPA OASIS page, or directly at the following URLs:

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840, or Mr. Stan Bayley in Rates at (406) 255-2923.

11/18/2011 : (Business Practice Clarification) Scheduling Requirements:  Western has posted a clarification effective today of its Scheduling Requirements specifically related to quarter hour and intra-hour scheduling, which is available under its "Business Practices" folder (in the "Effective Business Practices" sub-folder) and also available at the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-UGPR-BP-Quarter-Intra-Hour-Scheduling-Version-2011-1118.pdf

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (sanders@wapa.gov), or Scott Byer (Watertown Dispatch) at 605-882-7551 (byer@wapa.gov).

09/29/2011 : (New Rates Public Meeting Presentation): IS 2012 Rates Public Meeting Presentation

Western hosted a meeting to provide customers an opportunity to discuss and comment on the Integrated System (IS) 2012 recalculated rates on September 29, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. MDT.  The meeting presentation is available at the following URL:


Please provide written comments or questions via email or letter, by October 14, 2011 to Mr. Stan Bayley at bayley@wapa.gov and Ms. Linda Cady-Hoffman (Rates Manager) at cady@wapa.gov .

09/07/2011 : (New Rates Postings): IS 2012 Rates Update Letter to Customers, Announcement of Public Meeting, Posting of IS Rates 2010 True-up Calculation

Western will host a meeting to provide customers an opportunity to discuss and comment on the Integrated System (IS) 2012 recalculated rates on September 29, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. MDT at Western's offices located at 2900 4th Avenue North, 6th Floor, Billings, Montana, as described in the 09/02/2011 letter to customers.  The meeting will also be available via WebEx, and those desiring to attend the meeting via WebEx will need to contact Mr. Stan Bayley at (406) 255-2923 (or by email at bayley@wapa.gov) before September 22, 2011 for access information.

The details of the 2012 IS rate calculations, and 2010 IS rate true-up calculation are posted under the "Rates/Losses Calculation" subfolder in the "Rates/Losses" folder on Western's WAPA OASIS page, or directly at the following URLs:

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840, or Mr. Stan Bayley in Rates at (406) 255-2923.

08/11/2011 : (Notice - Replaces previous 07/10/11 and 04/16/11 posting) Daily Non-Firm (DNF) Evaluation:  Effective August 11, 2011 the MAPP MTA system implemented a software update concerning ATC/AFC decrementing when Non-Firm Daily TSRs are evaluated in the Operating Horizon.  Due to the FERC Order No. 729 implementation, the Operating Horizon was increased from 36 hours to 48 hours.  Under the old definition, Non-Firm Daily TSRs were validated completely outside the Operating Horizon.  Once the Operating Horizon was expanded to 48 hours, Non-Firm Daily TSRs could now fall within the Operating Horizon, yet their impacts were not included in the AFC/ATC calculation.  This software change allowed the validation to treat daily non-firm impacts as hourly non-firm impacts in the AFCcalc engine to correctly decrement ATC/AFC in the Operating Horizon.  Announcement of this software update was also posted on the MAPP OASIS site on the MAPP Home page.  OATI has indicated that with the software update the posting and evaluation Daily Non-Firm against the posted ATC/AFC in the Operating Horizon is consistent with other WebTrans systems.
If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders (Western) at 406-255-2840 or Kass Portra (Western) at 406-255-2842.

07/22/2011 (Updated 08/11/2011) : (Business Practice Update) Western has posted the FINAL revised Creditworthiness Business Practice under its "Business Practices" folder (in the "Effective Business Practices" sub-folder).  The revised BP was posted for review as noted in the original 07/22/11 posting, and those versions are now available in the Draft and Pending sub-folders "archives".

07/18/2011 : (Business Practice Reposting) Queue Flooding Restrictions:  Western has added a clarification effective today to its reposted a business practice that was EFFECTIVE at 00:00 CPT on 7/8/2011 to address queue flooding issues, which is available under its "Business Practices" folder (in the "Effective Business Practices" sub-folder) and also available at the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-UGPR-BP-Queue-Flooding-Version-2011-0718.pdf

If you have any questions, please contact Kass Portra (Western) at 406-255-2842, or by email at portra@wapa.gov.

05/05/2011 (Updated 08/11/2011) : (Business Practice Update) Western has posted the FINAL revised to its General Requirements for Interconnection document under its "Business Practices" folder (in the "Effective Business Practices" sub-folder).  The revised BP was posted for review as noted in the original 05/05/2011 posting, and those versions are posted in the "archives" in the Draft and Pending sub-folders.

The currently effective version of the General Requirements for Interconnection (Sept 1999), for comparison, is posted under the "Interconnection Requests" folder, and available at the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-General-Req-for-Interconnection-FINAL-CLEAN-Issued-2011-0714.pdf.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov)

05/05/2011: Posting of Western's Planning Criteria Document:  Western has posted its Planning Criteria Document under its "Transmission Planning Process" folder and
available at the following URL: www.oasis.oati.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/WAPA-Planning-Criteria-Document-2011-0504.pdf.

03/10/2011: Transmission Planning Stakeholder Meeting on March 30, 2011 

The Upper Great Plains Region of Western (UGPR) invites you to a Western UGPR Transmission Planning Stakeholder Meeting from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MDT on Wednesday, March 30th, 2011, at the Western UGP Regional office located at 2900 4th Avenue North in Billings, Montana.

At the meeting, we will review the UGPR FERC Order 890 planning process as implemented in 2010 and present the plan for the coming year. We will also review the results of the 2010 Integrated System Evaluation and introduce the planned studies for 2011. The meeting is being held to meet the local transmission planning process requirements outlined in Western's OATT. Your comments on the Draft Agenda are welcome.

If you plan to attend the meeting, please print and fill out the registration form indicating that you plan to attend the meeting and indicate whether you plan to attend in person or via WebEx. A limited number of WebEx participants are available. Therefore, WebEx participation will be limited to one per company and available only on a first-come first-served basis.

Western UGPR looks forward to meeting with you during the meeting in Billings and receiving your input on the UGPR 2011 local transmission planning studies. Please send your comments on the draft agenda and/or your Registration Form by email to ugpplanningmanager@wapa.gov or by fax at (406) 255-2900 by March 21, 2011.

If you have questions, please contact Ms. Gayle R. Nansel, UGPR Transmission System Planning Manager at 406-255-2830.

03/03/2011 : (Business Practice Update) Rollover Provision Changes: Western UGPR has posted its Modified Rollover Rights Administration Business Practice to reflect and explain the changes to rollover provisions under Section 2.2 of its OATT, issued on 03/02/2011.  The modified business practice is available at the following URL: Modified Rollover Rights Administration Business Practice, and under its "Business Practices" folder (in the "Effective Business Practices" sub-folder).

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders (Western) at 406-255-2840, or by email at sanders@wapa.gov.

03/02/2011: OATT Revision Filed with FERC, Effective Date of April 3, 2011 (Revised Section 2.2 effective March 2, 2011):  Western Area Power Administration submitted revisions to its non-jurisdictional Open Access Transmission Tariff in compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission) Order dated December 2, 2010.  This compliance filing ( Filing Letter for revised OATT (March 2, 2011) ) revises the new baseline eTariff, which is substantially the  same tariff originally submitted in Docket No. NJ10-1-000.  Western requested the Commission deem the revisions to its OATT proposed in the compliance filing become effective April 3, 2011, with the exception of the revisions to Section 2.2, which Western requested become effective on March 2, 2011.  The revised OATT is available under the "Tariff" Documents Folder on the WAPA OASIS and at the following: WAPA-Tariff-Docs

02/23/2011 : Updated Notice Posting clarifying Valid POR/PODs for Transmission Service Requests across Miles City DC Tie, other DC Ties, West-Side Only, and WAUE-SaskPower paths

Western (UGPR) has posted an updated Notice (replacing the version previously posted on MAPP's OASIS Information Page) showing the valid POR/PODs that must be utilized by Transmission Customers when submitting Transmission Service Requests 1) from/to/across the East/West DC Ties that interconnect with the IS; 2) for service on the West-Side system only, and 3) from/to the WAUE/SaskPower interface (WAUE-SPC and SPC-WAUE paths).  The Notice  is posted in the Effective Business Practices folder and at the following URL:
UGPR DC Tie & Other TSR POR/POD Reqm'ts.  Any questions should be directed to Ms. Kass Portra (406) 255-2842 or Steve Sanders at (406) 255-2840.

12/31/2010 : (New Rates Posting): IS 2011 Rates - Letter to Customers

As a follow-up to the September 21, 2010 public meeting, Western notified customers of the Integrated System (IS) 2011 recalculated rates in the 12/20/2010 letter to customers: Customer-Letter-20101220-IS-2011-Rates.pdf

The details of the rate calculatons are included in the following posting: IS-Rate-Calculation-2011-0101.pdf

09/30/2010 : Western submitted the baseline eTariff version of its OATT

Western submitted the baseline eTariff version of its non-jurisdictional Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), which was previously filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Docket No. NJ10-1-000.  A copy of Western's 9/30/2010 filing is available at:

09/30/2010 : Western filed comments on FERC's "Transmission Planning & Cost Allocation" NOPR

Western submitted the following comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities (NOPR) issued on June 17, 2010 in Docket No. RM10-23-000.  Western's comments were submitted on September 29, 2010, as a Federal Power Marketing Administration (PMA), and not on behalf of the Department of Energy as a whole:  Western-RM10-23-NOPR-Response.pdf

09/14/2010 : (New Rates Posting): IS 2011 Rates Update Letter to Customers, Announcement of Public Meeting

Western will host a meeting to provide customers an opportunity to discuss and comment on the Integrated System (IS) 2011 recalculated rates on September 21, 2010, at 8:00 a.m. CDT at the Holiday Inn City Center, 100 W 8th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as described in the 09/03/2010 letter to customers: IS-Rate-Calculation-2011-0101-Cover-Letter.pdf

The details of the rate calculatons are included in the following posting: IS-Rate-Calculation-2011-0101.pdf

08/04/2010: Announcement of Informal Public Meeting on 8/5/2010 to discuss FERC "Transmission Planning & Cost Allocation" NOPR (Original 08/02/2010 Posting)

08/04/2010 Update: Copy of presentation for 8/5/2010 Information Customer MeetingTPACA_NOPR_Presentation.pdf

Western will hold an informal public meeting at our Corporate Services Office at 12155 W. Alameda Parkway in Lakewood, Colorado on August 5, 2010, at 10:30 a.m. MDT.  The meeting will conclude by 12:00 p.m. MDT.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation By Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities (NOPR) that was released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on June 17, 2010 in Docket No. RM10-23.

Western will provide a high level synopsis of the NOPR and outline the areas it is considering for comment.  Customers will have an opportunity to provide input on these issues after a brief presentation.  A copy of the presentation Western will use at the meeting will be available at http://www.wapa.gov  prior to 9 a.m. MDT, August 5th.

07/01/2010 : (Proposed Business Practice Update) Western UGPR has posted PROPOSED revisions to its CEII Policy Business Practice and NDA under its "Business Practices" folder (in the "Draft BP's - 10 Day Comment" sub-folder).

Comments/concerns with the proposed revisions should be submitted within 10 business days of this posting to:  Steve Sanders at 406-255-2840 (email: sanders@wapa.gov)

05/27/2010: Announcement that WAUE.AECI.CM Service Point has been Disabled

Western has disabled the WAUE.AECI.CM Service Point on its OASIS effective 5/27/2010.  Western also requested that TranServ (acting on behalf of MAPP) disable the same Service Point on the MAPP Schedule F OASIS page, and received notification that it was also disabled on that page effective 5/27/2010.

Transmission Customers can continue to utilize the WAUE.AECI Service Point on UGPR's WAPA OASIS page when requesting transmission service from UGPR, which is the same interface point between WAUE and AECI at the Maryville 161-kV substation.

The WAUE.AECI.CM point was setup to allow for reservations across Western's Creston-Maryville 161-kV transmission line (WAUE-AECI-CM contract path) under the MAPP Schedule F tariff or UGPR's OATT.  However, requests utilizing the WAUE.AECI.CM Service Point are not being properly evaluated across the entire Sioux City - Denison - Exira - Creston - Maryville contract path (WAUE-AECI contract path) when the source Service Point on the reservation is located upstream of the WAUE-AECI contract path.  Therefore, until such time as that can be resolved in the MAPP OASIS backend, the WAUE.AECI.CM Service Point will be disabled.  If, in the interim, a Transmission Customer needs to submit a transmission service request for only the path from Creston-Maryville (WAUE-AECI-CM contract path) using the available source Service Points of WAUE.ALTW or WAUE.MEC at Creston, such requests will be handled on a manual basis by contacting Western or TranServ (as Western's TSC).

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders (Western) at 406-255-2840, or by email at sanders@wapa.gov.

12/29/2009 (New Rates Posting) Notice - New IS Transmission Rates Effective 01/01/2010 Posted

As described in the December 29, 2009, Federal Register notice ( FRN-IS-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2010-0101.pdf ), the Western Area Power Administration (Western) is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP-ED) that are utilized for the Integrated System (IS).  The Federal Register Notice summary follows:

ACTION: Notice of Order Concerning Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates and Transmission Service Penalty Rate for Unreserved Use.

SUMMARY: The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order Nos. WAPA-144 and WAPA-148 and Rate Schedules UGP-NT1, UGP-FPT1, UGP-NFPT1, UGP-AS1, UGP-AS2, UGP-AS3, UGP-AS4, UGP-AS5, UGP-AS6, UGP-AS7 and UGP-TSP1 on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis or until they are superseded. The provisional rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expenses, and repay  required investments within the allowable periods.

DATES: Rate Schedules UGP-NT1, UGP-FPT1, UGP-NFPT1, UGP-AS1, UGP-AS2, UGP-AS3, UGP-AS4, UGP-AS5, and UGP-AS6 and will be placed into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010, and will be in effect until FERC confirms, approves, and places the rate schedules in effect on a final basis through December 31, 2014, or until the rate schedules are superseded. The revised Rate Schedules UGP-NT1, UGP-FPT1, UGP-NFPT1, UGP-AS1, UGP-AS2, UGP-AS3, UGP-AS4, UGP-AS5 and UGP-AS6 dated January 1, 2010, supersede the similarly titled rate schedules dated October 1, 2005. Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 will be placed into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010; however, Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 will not be charged until such time as Western's OATT is revised to provide for Generator Imbalance Service. Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 will remain in effect through December 31, 2014, or until superseded, to coincide with the other ancillary service rates in this rate order. Rate Schedule UGP-TSP1 will be placed into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010; however, Rate Schedule UGP-TSP1 will not be charged until such time as Western's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) is revised to provide for unreserved use of transmission service penalties. Rate schedule UGP-TSP1 will also remain in effect through December 31, 2014, or until superseded, to coincide with the other rates in this rate order. Western will post notice on its Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) Web site of its intent to initiate charging
for Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 or UGP-TSP1.

Western submitted the following letter to its customers on 12/29/2010 advising them of the implementation of the revised rates: IS-Rate-Calculation-2010-0101-Cover-Letter.pdf.

  The updated rates are shown in the "Current Rates/Losses" folder.
  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders.

12/28/2009 (Rate Update Status)
Notice – Rate Orders Signed (Rates to be effective 01/01/2010)

The Deputy Secretary of Energy has signed Rate Orders 144 and 148, Orders Confirming, Approving, and Placing the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program – Eastern Division Transmission and Ancillary Services and Transmission Service Penalty for Unreserved Use Formula Rates into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010.

The Federal Register notice announcing these rates is expected to be published during the week of December 28-31.  Once the Federal Register notice is published, a letter will be sent to our transmission customers and other interested parties providing rate information and a copy of the Federal Register notice.

The rate announcement letter and Federal Register notice will also be posted to this web site and the Upper Great Plains Region Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) web site.

10/07/2009: OATT Revision Filed with FERC, Effective Date of December 1, 2009:

Western Area Power Administration submitted its revised Open Access Transmission Service Tariff with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on September 30, 2009.  The new tariff becomes effective on December 1, 2009.  The new revised tariff was developed to comply with FERC Order No. 890 and to be consistent with Western’s statutory and regulatory requirements.  It addresses changes in transmission services and planning.  The updated OATT (both clean and redline versions) and FERC generated PDF documents for this filing are included in the "Tariff" folder.

08/25/2009 : MAPP Schedule F service no longer available effective 9/1/2009

07/22/2009 (Updated 06/10/2010) : Corn Belt Power Cooperative (CBPC) move into Western's east-side "WAUE" Balancing Authority Area (Control Area) and addition of CBPC  transmission facilities to Integrated System (IS) effective September 1, 2009

06/10/2010 Update:  Western has posted an Informational Posting providing guidance for Customers on submitting Generation Interconnections or Transmission Service Requests on facilities owned by CBPC under its "Generation Interconnections" sub-folder or at the following link:
CBPC Facilities - GI/TSR Submission Reqmts

08/25/2009 Update:  Western will be including eligible portions of the Corn Belt Power Cooperativce (CBPC) transmission facilities located in western Iowa in the Western/Basin Electric Power Cooperative/Heartland Consumers Power District Integrated System (IS), and the change will be effective on September 1, 2009.  The following CBPC transmission facilities will be included in the IS as Basin Electric Power Cooperative leased facilities:

Wisdom to Osgood 161 kV transmission line – 30.64 miles
Osgood to Burt 161 kV transmission line – 29.79 miles
Burt to Hancock 161 kV transmission line – 33.70 miles
Wisdom to Buena Vista 161 kV transmission line – 32.77 miles
Buena Vista to Sac County 161 kV transmission line – 9.66 miles
Hope to Webster 161 kV transmission line – 12.39 miles
Burt to Hope 161 kV transmission line – 34.61 miles

Hope substation (161 kV portion only)
Wisdom substation (161 kV portion only)
Burt substation (161 kV portion only)
Osgood substation (161 kV portion only)
Webster substation (161 kV portion only)
Hancock substation (161 kV portion only)

Interconnection and transmission service requests utilizing these facilities will need to be submitted to Western, as the IS administrator, pursuant to Western's OATT and LGIP/SGIP, starting on September 1, 2009 at 0000 (CDT).  Western and CBPC will work with existing  interconnection and transmission service customers on the CBPC facilities listed above to address any transition issues.  The IS transmission rates will apply to service across the facilities above, and preliminary analysis shows no expected increase to the IS rate as the result of inclusion of the CBPC facilities and associated new network load into the IS.  CBPC will continue to adminster its own tariff on the remaining CBPC facilities that are moving into Western's WAUE Balancing Authority Area on September 1, 2009, and therefore interconnection and transmission service requests on those other CBPC facilities will continue to be submitted to CBPC.


07/22/2009 Posting:  Corn Belt Power Cooperativce (CBPC) intends to move its transmission system located presently in the MidAmerican Energy Company (MEC) Balancing Authority Area/Control Area (BAA) into Western's east-side "WAUE" BAA by September 1, 2009, as a result of MEC's plan to join the Midwest ISO on September 1, 2009 and move its facilities into the Midwest ISO BAA.  CBPC and the Integrated System are also exploring the possibility of eligible portions of the CBPC transmission facilities becoming part of the Integrated System (IS) as a result of this BAA change, and that change would also occur on September 1, 2009.  Western will post additional details in near future regarding the potential inclusion of CBPC transmission facilities into the IS, and the impacts upon such a change on interconnection and transmission service requests located on those CBPC transmission facilities, and preliminary information regarding potential IS rate impacts.  This information will be located on Western's OASIS page under "Recent News" and also under a documents folder named "CBPC BAA Move Information", if necessary.  More information concerning CBPC and its members is available on their company web page at: http://www.cbpower.coop/aspx/CBPower/default.aspx

04/24/2009 : (Business Practice Update) Western UGPR has posted a Western-wide Policy Statement regarding crediting transmission service for transmission system outages that will become effective on May 1, 2009.  The policy document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder and available at the following URL: WAPA-Crediting-for-Outages-Business-Practice

04/22/2009 : (Business Practice Update) Western UGPR has posted a Western-wide Policy Statement regarding Attachment K of Western's OATT dated 04/16/2009.  The policy document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder and available at the following URL: WAPA-OATT-AttachK-Policy-Statement-2009-0416

06/18/2008 (Business Practice Update) : Western Area Power Administration (Western) Upper Great Plains Region (UGPR) made minor changes to its posted "Business Practice for Adjustment Criteria for Open Access Transmission Tariff Charges" to clarify the 18 month adjustment period.  The updated business practice is effective immediately (6/18/2008)The updated document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder and URL: WAPA UGPR Adjustment Criteria for OATT Charges

01/26/2010 (Storm Damage Update  - Updated 01/26/2010 @16:00 CST) Summary of January 21-xx, 2010 Winter Storm Damage to IS Transmission System

Update: 1/26/2010 @ 16:00 CST: The Heskett-Dickinson  230kV line was removed from service today due to storm damage, again restricting the Miles City AC - DC - AC Converter station to only west to east operation (east to west limited to zero).  The updated listing (which doesn't yet include this latest loss of the Heskett-Dickinson 230kV line) of the related outages and other system restrictions: Summary-UGPR-Jan21st-Winter-Storm-Trans-Issues-Rev1.pdf

Update: 1/25/2010 @ 21:00 CST: The Bowman-Hettinger 230kV line was restored to service today at 19:19, allowing the limitations on the Miles City AC - DC - AC Converter station to be partially released and allowing limited east to west operation (75 MW).  The Charlie Creek - Rough Rider 115-kV line was restored to service at 17:42.  At 18:19 Eagle Butte Substation was energized allowing the 69-kV deliveries to begin to be restored.  At 18:11 Faith Substation was energized (with the restoration of hte Maurine-Faith-Eagle Butte 115-kV line at 18:11), and at 18:13 the City of Faith service was restored.

01/25/2010 (Initial Posting): UGPR experienced a severe winter storm that started the evening of January 21, 2010.  The storm started with conditions that resulted in ice formation; freezing rain, drizzle, and heavy fog.  The storm then transitioned into snow with heavy winds.  UGPR experienced several transmission line outages due to ice loading and high winds.  The snow and high winds have lasted for several days and are expected to diminish tonight.  This has limited our ability to respond to the outages.  Although there were 17 transmission lines out of service, we only experienced long term outages to Western customers at two substations.  However, the coops, municipalities, and others taking service from our facilities had issues on their facilities that resulted in over 10,000 customers without power at various times during the storm.  The Western long term outages were at Eagle Butte and Faith 115-kV substations.  The Eagle Butte substation was de-energized at 0115 on January 22, 2010.  Service was temporarily restored at 1529 on the 23, 2010.  However, Eagle Butte and Faith substations were de-energized at 0432 on January 24, 2010 and are still out of service.  UGPR personnel have been working on restoring the lines to these substations and they have been tested multiple times without success.  Due to conditions the lines needed to be patrolled from the ground and access to all of the lines was not possible.  Also conditions were such that problems developed as the line was being patrolled.  It appears that we will be able to do an aerial patrol on January 25, 2010.
A listing of the related outages and other system restrictions: Summary-UGPR-Jan21st-Winter-Storm-Trans-Issues.pdf

    If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

(New Rates Posting) Notice - New IS Transmission Rates Effective 01/01/2010 Posted

As described in the December 29, 2009, Federal Register notice ( FRN-IS-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2010-0101.pdf ), the Western Area Power Administration (Western) is updating its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP-ED) that are utilized for the Integrated System (IS).  The Federal Register Notice summary follows:

ACTION: Notice of Order Concerning Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates and Transmission Service Penalty Rate for Unreserved Use.

SUMMARY: The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order Nos. WAPA-144 and WAPA-148 and Rate Schedules UGP-NT1, UGP-FPT1, UGP-NFPT1, UGP-AS1, UGP-AS2, UGP-AS3, UGP-AS4, UGP-AS5, UGP-AS6, UGP-AS7 and UGP-TSP1 on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis or until they are superseded. The provisional rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expenses, and repay  required investments within the allowable periods.

DATES: Rate Schedules UGP-NT1, UGP-FPT1, UGP-NFPT1, UGP-AS1, UGP-AS2, UGP-AS3, UGP-AS4, UGP-AS5, and UGP-AS6 and will be placed into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010, and will be in effect until FERC confirms, approves, and places the rate schedules in effect on a final basis through December 31, 2014, or until the rate schedules are superseded. The revised Rate Schedules UGP-NT1, UGP-FPT1, UGP-NFPT1, UGP-AS1, UGP-AS2, UGP-AS3, UGP-AS4, UGP-AS5 and UGP-AS6 dated January 1, 2010, supersede the similarly titled rate schedules dated October 1, 2005. Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 will be placed into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010; however, Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 will not be charged until such time as Western's OATT is revised to provide for Generator Imbalance Service. Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 will remain in effect through December 31, 2014, or until superseded, to coincide with the other ancillary service rates in this rate order. Rate Schedule UGP-TSP1 will be placed into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010; however, Rate Schedule UGP-TSP1 will not be charged until such time as Western's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) is revised to provide for unreserved use of transmission service penalties. Rate schedule UGP-TSP1 will also remain in effect through December 31, 2014, or until superseded, to coincide with the other rates in this rate order. Western will post notice on its Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) Web site of its intent to initiate charging
for Rate Schedule UGP-AS7 or UGP-TSP1.

Western submitted the following letter to its customers on 12/29/2010 advising them of the implementation of the revised rates: IS-Rate-Calculation-2010-0101-Cover-Letter.pdf.

  The updated rates are shown in the "Current Rates/Losses" folder.  If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

12/28/2009 (Rate Update Status)Notice – Rate Orders Signed (Rates to be effective 01/01/2010)

The Deputy Secretary of Energy has signed Rate Orders 144 and 148, Orders Confirming, Approving, and Placing the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program – Eastern Division Transmission and Ancillary Services and Transmission Service Penalty for Unreserved Use Formula Rates into effect on an interim basis on January 1, 2010.

The Federal Register notice announcing these rates is expected to be published during the week of December 28-31.  Once the Federal Register notice is published, a letter will be sent to our transmission customers and other interested parties providing rate information and a copy of the Federal Register notice.
The rate announcement letter and Federal Register notice will also be posted to this web site and the Upper Great Plains Region Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) web site.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

10/07/2009: OATT Revision Filed with FERC, Effective Date of December 1, 2009:

  Western Area Power Administration submitted its revised Open Access Transmission Service Tariff with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on September 30, 2009.  The new tariff becomes effective on December 1, 2009.  The new revised tariff was developed to comply with FERC Order No. 890 and to be consistent with Western’s statutory and regulatory requirements.  It addresses changes in transmission services and planning.  The updated OATT (both clean and redline versions) and FERC generated PDF documents for this filing are included in the "Tariff" folder.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

08/25/2009 : MAPP Schedule F service no longer available effective 9/1/2009; TranServ beginning operations as Western's Transmission Service Contractor (TSC) effective 0000 CDT on 9/1/2009 to assist in the processing of Transmission Service Requests on the WAPA OASIS; Corn Belt Power Cooperative changes effective 9/1/2009.

Western has obtained the services of TranServ International, Inc. (TranServ) to perform as its Transmission Service Coordinator (TSC) starting effective September 1, 2009 at 0000 (CDT).  Based upon the departure of MidAmerican Energy Company from MAPP on September 1, 2009, the regional MAPP Schedule F tariff will no longer be available to customers to take transmission service across Western's Integrated System.  Therefore, effective September 1, 2009 all service on Western's transmission system will need to be obtained under Western's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) and requested on Western's OASIS (WAPA TP OASIS).   TranServ will assist Western in the processing of the majorify of short-term transmission service requests (TSRs).  Western personnel will continue to process Monthly Firm and Long-Term TSRs.  The delineation of responsibilities for processing TSRs starting September 1, 2009 is outlined in the following document:


To assist Western's customer with the transition associated with the end of MAPP Schedule F and the introduction of TranServ as TSC in processing TSRs Western and TranServ will host conference calls starting on August 31, 2009 at 1500 (CDT) to answer customer questions and explain the changes being implemented.  In addition, Western will answer questions regarding the changes associated with the move of Corn Belt Power Cooperative (CBPC) into Western's WAUE Balancing Authority Area and inclusion of a portion of CBPC transmission facilities into the Integrated System.  More information regarding the CBPC changes is noted in the updated 07/22/2009 news item below.  The announcement of the conference calls is outlined in the following letter:


(Business Practice Update) Western has updated its TSR Timing Requirements and business practice related to bumping of TSRs, to address the termination of any new MAPP Schedule F service, as outlined in the following Timing Requirement document that will be effective on September 1, 2009 at 0000 (CDT).

WAPA UGPR Timing Requirements-Effective-2009-0901.pdf

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 247-7436.

07/22/2009 (Updated 08/25/2009) : Corn Belt Power Cooperative (CBPC) move into Western's east-side "WAUE" Balancing Authority Area (Control Area) and addition of CBPC  transmission facilities to Integrated System (IS) effective September 1, 2009

08/25/2009 Update:  Western will be including eligible portions of the Corn Belt Power Cooperativce (CBPC) transmission facilities located in western Iowa in the Western/Basin Electric Power Cooperative/Heartland Consumers Power District Integrated System (IS), and the change will be effective on September 1, 2009.  The following CBPC transmission facilities will be included in the IS as Basin Electric Power Cooperative leased facilities:

Wisdom to Osgood 161 kV transmission line – 30.64 miles
Osgood to Burt 161 kV transmission line – 29.79 miles
Burt to Hancock 161 kV transmission line – 33.70 miles
Wisdom to Buena Vista 161 kV transmission line – 32.77 miles
Buena Vista to Sac County 161 kV transmission line – 9.66 miles
Hope to Webster 161 kV transmission line – 12.39 miles
Burt to Hope 161 kV transmission line – 34.61 miles

Hope substation (161 kV portion only)
Wisdom substation (161 kV portion only)
Burt substation (161 kV portion only)
Osgood substation (161 kV portion only)
Webster substation (161 kV portion only)
Hancock substation (161 kV portion only)

Interconnection and transmission service requests utilizing these facilities will need to be submitted to Western, as the IS administrator, pursuant to Western's OATT and LGIP/SGIP, starting on September 1, 2009 at 0000 (CDT).  Western and CBPC will work with existing  interconnection and transmission service customers on the CBPC facilities listed above to address any transition issues.  The IS transmission rates will apply to service across the facilities above, and preliminary analysis shows no expected increase to the IS rate as the result of inclusion of the CBPC facilities and associated new network load into the IS.  CBPC will continue to adminster its own tariff on the remaining CBPC facilities that are moving into Western's WAUE Balancing Authority Area on September 1, 2009, and therefore interconnection and transmission service requests on those other CBPC facilities will continue to be submitted to CBPC.


07/22/2009 Posting:  Corn Belt Power Cooperativce (CBPC) intends to move its transmission system located presently in the MidAmerican Energy Company (MEC) Balancing Authority Area/Control Area (BAA) into Western's east-side "WAUE" BAA by September 1, 2009, as a result of MEC's plan to join the Midwest ISO on September 1, 2009 and move its facilities into the Midwest ISO BAA.  CBPC and the Integrated System are also exploring the possibility of eligible portions of the CBPC transmission facilities becoming part of the Integrated System (IS) as a result of this BAA change, and that change would also occur on September 1, 2009.  Western will post additional details in near future regarding the potential inclusion of CBPC transmission facilities into the IS, and the impacts upon such a change on interconnection and transmission service requests located on those CBPC transmission facilities, and preliminary information regarding potential IS rate impacts.  This information will be located on Western's OASIS page under "Recent News" and also under a documents folder named "CBPC BAA Move Information", if necessary.  More information concerning CBPC and its members is available on their company web page at: http://www.cbpower.coop/aspx/CBPower/default.aspx

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 247-7436.

06/26/2009 : Announcement of Public Information and Public Comment Forums - Proposed Penalty Rate for Unreserved Use of Transmission Service

As described in the June 26, 2009, Federal Register notice ( FRN-Proposed-IS-Unreserved-Use-Penalty-Rate-2009-0626.pdf ), The Western Area Power
Administration (Western) proposes to add a penalty rate for Unreserved Use of Transmission Service for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program—Eastern Division (P–SMBP—ED) in a new rate schedule, Rate Schedule UGP–TSP1. The new rate schedule for Unreserved Use of Transmission System Penalties, Rate Schedule UGP–TSP1, is proposed to go into effect on the later of January 1, 2010, or when Western’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) is revised to provide for Unreserved Use Penalties. Prior to implementing the penalty rate, Western will post notice on its OASIS site. If Rate Schedule UGP–TSP1 is implemented, it will
remain in effect through December 31, 2014, or until superseded. Western will prepare a brochure that provides detailed information on the proposed rate to all interested parties. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed penalty rate.

Publication of the June 26, 2009, Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed Unreserved Use of Transmission Service rate.  The consultation and comment period begins with the Federal Register notice publication and will end September 24, 2009. Western will present a detailed explanation of the proposed rate at a public information forum. The public information forum date is July 28, 2009, 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. CDT, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.Western will accept oral and written comments at a public comment forum. The public comment forum date is July 28, 2009, and will be held in conjunction with the public comment forum for the adjustment of Western’s transmission and ancillary services rates (as announced in 74 FR 26682 on June 3, 2009) from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CDT, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Western will accept written comments any time during the consultation and comment period.  Information on this rate process is posted on Western's OASIS and at the Upper Great Plains Region's Rates Web Page at: http://www.wapa.gov/ugp/rates/default.htm .

The June 26, 2009, letter to Western's Transmission Customers announcing the Federal Register notice:  IS-Customer-Letter-Announcing-FRN-WAPA-148.pdf .
The presentations given at the public meetings and any future information, are available in the "UGPR 2009 Rate Adjustment" Folder on Western's OASIS.

The public meetings will be held at:

Holiday Inn—City Centre
100 West 8th Street
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 247-7436.

06/17/2009 : Announcement of Public Information and Public Comment Forums - Proposed Updates to IS Transmission and Ancillary Service Rates

As described in the June 3, 2009, Federal Register notice ( FRN-Proposed-IS-Trans-Anc-Service-Rates-2009-0603.pdf ), the Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing to update its rates for transmission and ancillary services for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division (P-SMBP-ED) that are utilized for the Integrated System (IS). Current formula rates, under Rate Schedules UGP–NT1, UGP–FPT1, UGP–NFPT1, UGP–AS1, UGP–AS2, UGP–AS3, UGP– AS4, UGP–AS5, and UGP–AS6 will expire on September 30, 2010. Western is also proposing to add a new rate schedule, Rate Schedule UGP–AS7, for Generator Imbalance Service. Western is proposing these rates to meet evolving and expanding transmission system and ancillary services requirements.

Publication of the June 3, 2009, Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed formula rates.  The consultation and comment period begins with the Federal Register notice publication and will end October 1, 2009. Western will present a detailed explanation of the proposed formula rates at a public information forum. The public information forum date is June 24, 2009, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CDT, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Western will accept oral and written comments at a public comment forum. The public comment forum date is July 28, 2009, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CDT, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Western will accept written comments any time during the consultation and comment period.  Information on this rate process is posted on Western's OASIS and at the Upper Great Plains Region's Rates Web Page at: http://www.wapa.gov/ugp/rates/default.htm .

The proposed Transmission and Ancillary Rates Adjustment is described in the Rate Brochure:  IS-Trans-Anc-Service-Rate-Brochure-June-2009.pdf .
The presentations given at the public meetings and any future information, are available in the "UGPR 2009 Rate Adjustment" Folder on Western's OASIS.

The public meetings will be held at:

Holiday Inn—City Centre
100 West 8th Street
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at (406) 247-7436.

04/24/2009 : (Business Practice Update) Western UGPR has posted a Western-wide Policy Statement regarding crediting transmission service for transmission system outages that will become effective on May 1, 2009.  The policy document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder and available at the following URL: WAPA-Crediting-for-Outages-Business-Practice

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

04/22/2009 : (Business Practice Update) Western UGPR has posted a Western-wide Policy Statement regarding Attachment K of Western's OATT dated 04/16/2009.  The policy document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder and available at the following URL: WAPA-OATT-AttachK-Policy-Statement-2009-0416

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

04/14/2009 : Western UGPR has posted its updated Integrated System (IS) Transmission and Ancillary Services Rate Calculation, which will be effective May 1, 2009.  The updated documents are posted under the "Current Rates/Losses" folder.  The following documents were mailed to UGPR's Transmission Customers and Other Interested Parties on 04/14/2009: IS Rate Calculation - May 1, 2009

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

01/12/2009:  Status Update on Integrated System (IS) Transmission Rate Adjustment

Change of Scope in Transmission Rate Adjustment

Western's Upper Great Plains Region (UGPR) provided an Advance Announcement of Rate Adjustment at a public meeting held June 10, 2008.  The announcement included potential rate adjustments that would be required for IS participation in the proposed Midwest Independent System Operator's (Midwest ISO) Tariff Module F, Part III (Market Integration Service) as described in their Western Markets filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  UGPR also described potential rate adjustments for implementation regardless of Midwest ISO's Market Integration Service participation.  

The FERC’s action on the Midwest ISO Western Markets filing has changed the scope of Western’s Upper Great Plains Region’s anticipated transmission rate adjustment. Our original intent was to incorporate rate changes necessitated by the Western Markets filing. However, with the FERC action and the uncertainty of the outcome of the Western Markets filing, Western will proceed with this transmission rate adjustment process for required adjustments unassociated with the Western Markets filing. Western intends to publish a Federal Register Notice to initiate the public rate process early in 2009.

Western's UGPR will initiate a future, additional rate adjustment process if and as required, to incorporate IS transmission rate changes made necessary by the final FERC Order accepting or modifying the Midwest ISO filing and Western's decision regarding Market Integration Service.

Related information can be found at:  http://www.oatioasis.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/IS-OATT-Revision-2008-0610-Mtg.ppt, http://www.wapa.gov.ugp/PowerMarketing/MISOSeams/Default.htm, and http://www.oatioasis.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/IS-Rate-Adjustment-2008-0610-Mtg.ppt

If you have any questions, please contact Stan Bayley at (406) 247-7432.

12/03/2008 : Status Update on Potential Transmission Tariff Revision (See original 05/19/08 News Item below)

Western's Upper Great Plains Region (UGPR) Transmission initiated a review and potential revision to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) at the informal public information meeting on June 10, 2008.  The information presented at that meeting is posted on UGPR's OASIS site under the "UGPR 2008 OATT Revision/Rate Adjustment" folder and "OATT Revision" sub-folder.  The direct link is: http://www.oatioasis.com/WAPA/WAPAdocs/IS-OATT-Revision-2008-0610-Mtg.ppt .   The necessary OATT changes would address potential IS participation in the proposed Midwest ISO's Module F, Part III (Market Integration Service), as filed with the FERC.  Based upon the intervention filings against the proposed Module F, Part III, FERC has not yet accepted Midwest ISO's tariff filing or issued an Order rejecting or modifying the proposal.  FERC recently held a technical conference on November 12, 2008, to review the proposal.  It is unclear at this time when FERC will be prepared to make a final ruling on Module F, Part III.

UGPR's Merchant Function, who is evaluating MISO's proposal, has put its evaluation of the Midwest ISO proposal on hold, pending a final Order from the FERC.  The status of the Western Merchant review can be found at: http://www.wapa.gov/ugp/PowerMarketing/MISOSeams/Default.htm

UGPR Transmission has also delayed the process for changing/updating the OATT to allow for potential participation in Module F, Part III until the FERC issues a final Order.  The necessary changes to UGPR's OATT are unknown until FERC accepts or modifies the Midwest ISO filing.  Western will notify all potential Transmission Customer's when and/if it re-initiates the OATT revision process related to Midwest ISO's Module F, Part III.

06/27/2008 (Rate Corrections effective 05/1/2008) : On June 27, 2008, Western sent a letter to Customers notifying them of a correction to the transmission service rates effective May 1, 2008.  Excerpted from that letter: "On April 30, 2008, Western Area Power Administration sent the Integrated System (IS) Transmission and Ancillary Services Rate Calculation to be effective May 1,2008. Since then Western has received revised revenue requirement data and has updated and changed the annual revenue requirement and transmission rates. The revenue requirement and transmission rates were changed prior to the calculation of the bills for May service. Therefore, the bill you received for May service included these adjustments and no future adjustment will be required based on these changes."

A copy of the letter is available under the "Current Rates" folder and at the following URL: Letter to Customers 06/27/2008

06/18/2008 (Business Practice Update) : Western Area Power Administration (Western) Upper Great Plains Region (UGPR) made minor changes to its posted "Business Practice for Adjustment Criteria for Open Access Transmission Tariff Charges" to clarify the 18 month adjustment period.  The updated business practice is effective immediately (6/18/2008)The updated document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder and URL: WAPA UGPR Adjustment Criteria for OATT Charges

05/19/2008 (Updated 06/18/08) : Announcement of Potential Transmission Tariff Revision and Advance Announcement of Rate Adjustment

6/18/08 Update - The presentations given at the informal public meeting on June 10, 2008, and any future information, are available in the "UGPR 2008 OATT Revision/Rate Adjustment" Folder.

5/19/2008 Posting: Western Area Power Administration (Western) is initiating a review and potential revision to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).  The OATT applies to transmission service provided over the Integrated System (IS) owned by Western, Basin Electric Power Cooperative and Heartland Consumers Power District, and administered by Western.  Western is also beginning the development of potential new and the revision of existing transmission and ancillary service rates for services under the OATT that are currently under consideration.

An informal public information meeting pertaining to potential OATT changes and an Advance Announcement of Rate Adjustment meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 10, 2008, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Potential revisions to the OATT, and IS transmission and ancillary service rate adjustments for services provided under the provisions of the OATT, will be presented.  Interested persons will be able to provide input and ask questions at the meeting.  A court reporter will be present to record discussions.  The meeting time and place are:

9:00 (CDT), Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Holiday Inn—City Centre
100 West 8th Street
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

02/16/2008 (Business Practice Update) : Notice of upcoming change in UGPR's Business Practice (Deadline for submission of written transmission service application, application fee, and deposit):  Effective upon 03/01/2008 @ 00:00 CST,  the written Application, Deposit, and non-refundable application processing fee for Firm Point-to-Point and Network transmission service requests of one (1) year or longer (as required per Tariff Sections 17.1-17.3 for Firm Point-to-Point transmission service and Sections 29.1-29.2 for Network service) must be received by close of business within five (5) business days of the OASIS Request Queued Date at the following address, or via wire transfer to Western:

 Western Area Power Administration
Upper Great Plains Region
Operations and Transmission Advisor
2900 4th Ave. N, Room 600
Billings, MT 59101
 (or P.O. Box 35800, Billings, MT 59107-5800)

Wire transfer instructions will be provided, upon request.  If the written Application, Deposit, and application processing fee are not received within five (5) business days of the OASIS Request Queued Date, the OASIS Request status will be changed to "Refused".

This minor change to the UGPR business practice (which previously has been seven (7) calendar days) will make this timing requirement consistent across each of Western's Regional Offices

01/17/2008  (Updated) : Notice of Pre-Decisional Information Meetings (2/12/08 and 2/14/08) - Potential Consolidation of Western Balancing Authorities, including Upper Great Plains Region West Side "WAUW" Balancing Authority (BA):  A letter sent to Western's customers announcing the subject Information meetings is available at the following URL:

Notice Letter - Potential BA Consolidation Information Meetings - January 16, 2008

The agenda and presentation for the subject meetings are available:

Potential BA Consolidation Information Meetings (2/12 and 2/14/08) - Agenda
Potential BA Consolidation Information Meetings (2/12 and 2/14/08) - Presentation

The status of the process and subsequent meeting agenda/presentations are available on Western's main corporate web site at: Strategic Planning - Operations Consolidation Proposal

12/26/2007 (Updated 05/30/08, to reflect extension of testing period to August 29, 2008) : White Substation 345 kV Interconnection Project Update (December 26, 2007):  Northern States Power Company (NSP) and the Western Area Power Administration (Western) have entered into a letter agreement that facilitates the temporary closure of the NSP-Western 345 kV transmission to transmission interconnection at Western’s White Substation (White Interconnection) on an interim basis for operational testing purposes through August 29, 2008.  During this time, Western and NSP will work to complete outstanding transmission study analysis, and negotiate and execute required transmission service and replacement interconnection agreements.  Western will open the interconnection in the event of adverse reliability impacts to the Integrated System during this interim timeframe or at the conclusion of this interim testing period unless successor contractual arrangements are completed.  The White Interconnection will not be closed on a permanent basis until Western and NSP have executed long term transmission service arrangements and a replacement interconnection agreement.

For information, please contact Steve Sanders (Western) at (406) 247-7436 or John Lockhart (NSP) at (612) 330-7921. 

11/17/2007 : Based upon the upcoming expiration of the MAPP/MISO Seams Agreement, which addresses coordination between the MAPP Transmission Providers and the MidWest ISO (MISO), the parties in the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP), including Western UGPR, have been reviewing and providing comments to the MidWest ISO regarding its recent preliminary proposals to replace the MAPP/MISO Seams Agreement; to continue Reliability Coordination (RC) Services, to coordinate with MAPP Transmission Providers with manual redispatch options ("MISO Option 1"), and to also allow generation and load outside of the MidWest ISO Tariff Module B footprint to participate in the MidWest ISO Energy Market while still taking transmission service under the invidivual MAPP OATT's ("MISO Option 2").  The MidWest ISO has posted various documents and information describing these proposals, notes on the meetings with MAPP and other interested parties, the latest Draft agreements, on its web site at the following URL:

MISO Seams Proposal - 2007, Web Page

The basic description of "MISO Option 2", which has garnered the most interest within the MAPP footprint (as set forth by MidWest ISO in its initial proposal offering) is as follows:

 Option 2 – “Join the MISO Market” while continuing to provide transmission service under individual OATT
The Integrated System (IS) owners are reviewing these MidWest ISO proposals.  A new folder in the Documents section of Western UGPR's OASIS page entitled "MISO Seams Proposals" has been created to post various documents related to the potential impacts to the Transmission Customers of the IS.  The IS owners recently provided the MidWest ISO with comments regarding the necessary transmission service that would be required to allow for this market integration across various transmission tariff seams.  The preliminary version of that document is posted under this new folder, and is as follows:

Principles of Market Integration Transmission Service (PRELIMINARY) - November 26, 2007. (Updated 12/3/07)

11/05/2007: On November 1, 2007, Western Area Power Administration (Western) filed revisions to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (Tariff) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Specifically, Western is modifying the Section 7 billing and payment provisions in its Tariff to create the flexibility to require Transmission Customers to pay for transmission service in advance.  However, advance payment will only be required if it is included in a rate schedule adopted in a public process.  Western requested that FERC deem this modification effective as of December 1, 2007.  The FERC generated PDF document for this informational filing is as follows:

WAPA Tariff Revision NJ08-1-000, November 1, 2007

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sanders at 406-247-7436.

07/06/2007: On July 6, 2007, Western Area Power Administration (Western) filed revisions to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (Tariff) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Specifically, in response to an order issued by FERC on June 28, 2007 (June 28 Order), Western modified its pro forma Small Generator Interconnection Agreement to remove the small wind generator technical requirements proposed in Western’s filing dated March 1, 2007, in Docket No. NJ07-2-000.  Western requested that FERC deem these modifications effective as of May 1, 2007, the date originally accepted by FERC in its June 28 Order.  The FERC generated PDF document for this filing is as follows:

WAPA Tariff Revision NJ07-2-001, July 6, 2007

06/21/2007: On June 21, 2007, Western Area Power Administration (Western) filed revisions to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (Tariff) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Specifically, in response to an order issued by FERC on May 21, 2007, Western defined in its OATT the terms “New Rate,” “Rate,” “Rate Adjustment,” and “Rate Formula Adjustment,” all of which are currently used or defined under 10 CFR Part 903.  Western requested that FERC deem these definitions effective as of January 25, 2005, the date originally accepted by FERC in its July 6, 2005 order applicable to Western’s applicable OATT revision filing in Docket No. NJ05-1-000.  The FERC generated PDF document for this filing is as follows:

WAPA Tariff Revision NJ05-1-002, June 21, 2007

05/24/07 : Western UGPR sent a letter to all of its Network Customers clarifying the restrictions on the use of Network Integration Transmission Service for Third-Party Sales, and notifying the Network Customers of Western plans to develop the necessary monitoring tools tool ensure that  Network Service is not used inappropriately.  A copy of the letter mailed to UGPR's Network Customers on 05/24/2007 is as follows: Restrictions on use of Network Service - May 24, 2007. 

05/01/07 : Western UGPR has posted its updated Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) documents (filed with FERC on March 2, 2007) that became effective on May 1, 2007, under the "Tariff" folder links.  The generation interconnection procedures summary document was updated to reflect the inclusion of the SGIP under the "Generator Interconnections" folder.

04/26/07 (This news item obsolete with posting of rates effective May 1, 2008) : Western UGPR has posted an update to its Integrated System (IS) Transmission and Ancillary Services Rate Calculation, which will be effective May 1, 2007.  The updated documents are posted under the "Current Rates/Losses" folder.  The following documents were mailed to UGPR's Transmission Customers and Other Interested Parties on 04/26/2007: IS Rate Calculation Update - May 1, 2007

04/02/07 (This news item obsolete with posting of rates effective May 1, 2008) : Western UGPR has posted its updated Integrated System (IS) Transmission and Ancillary Services Rate Calculation, which will be effective May 1, 2007.  The updated documents are posted under the "Current Rates/Losses" folder.  The following documents were mailed to UGPR's Transmission Customers and Other Interested Parties on 04/02/2007: IS Rate Calculation - May 1, 2007

04/02/07 : On March 2, 2007, Western Area Power Administration (Western) filed non-jurisdictional modifications to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), Large Generator Interconnection Procedures and Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, and to incorporate its Small Generator Interconnection Procedures and Small Generator Interconnection Agreement in the OATT, pursuant to the Commission’s Order Nos. 2003-C, 676, 676-A, 661, 661-A, 2006, 2006-A, 2006-B. Western also requests that the Commission issue a declaratory order determining that its Tariff maintains a “safe harbor” tariff and that it may not be denied transmission access by any FERC-jurisdictional public entity pursuant to sections 35.28(e) and (f) of the rules and regulations.  (FERC Docket No. NJ07-2-000).  The FERC generated PDF documents for this filing are as follows:

WAPA Tariff Revision NJ07-2-000, March 2, 2007 (Part 1 of 4)
WAPA Tariff Revision NJ07-2-000, March 2, 2007 (Part 2 of 4)
WAPA Tariff Revision NJ07-2-000, March 2, 2007 (Part 3 of 4)
WAPA Tariff Revision NJ07-2-000, March 2, 2007 (Part 4 of 4)

Western has requested that the revised Tariff become effective on May 1, 2007.

Information related to Western's OATT Revisions is available at the following URL:  http://www.wapa.gov/transmission/oatt.htm

03/29/07 (Business Practice Update) : Western UGPR has posted an updated Business Practice for its Behind the Meter Generator Policy.  The updated document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder, or can be accessed directly at the following URL:  UGPR Behind the Meter Gen Policy

10/02/06 (Replaced on 06/18/08 with posting above) : Western UGPR has posted an updated Business Practice for Adjustment Criteria for Open Access Transmission Service Tariff (OATT) Charges that will be effective on 12/01/2006. The updated document is posted under the "Business Practices" folder, or can be accessed directly at the following URL:  WAPA UGPR Adjustment Criteria for OATT Charges

12/05/2005 -- Removal of Netting on WAUE-SPC/SPC-WAUE paths due to ATC manipulation on SPC-WAUE path

On 12/05/2005, the Western Area Power Administration (UGPR) requested the MAPP Transaction Coordinator to remove the netting of reservations on the WAUE-SPC and SPC-WAUE paths in the calculation of ATC's on either path, to eliminate the recent manipulation of ATC's in one direction by the repeated submission of reservations in the opposite direction which were never scheduled on.

06/09/2005 -- WAPA Filing to FERC in response to FERC's Order 2006 (Small Generator Interconnections)

On 06/09/2005, the Western Area Power Administration submitted the following filing to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in response to the FERC's Standardization of Small Generator Interconnection Agreements (SGIA) and Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP) Final Order (Order 2006), issued May 12, 2005.

WAPA SGI Filing to FERC, 06/09/2005 (PDF document)

<>11/19/2004 -- Notice of termination of MAPP Loss Repayment Policies, Effective 00:00 CST on Nov 1, 2004

Effective,  00:00 CST on November 1, 2004, the Western Area Power Administration - Upper Great Plains Region (WAPA) will terminate implementation of MAPP Loss Repayment Policies that became effective on February 1, 2001, and will no longer require collection of 3rd party losses by WAPA when WAPA is identified as the Source Scheduling Participant (SSP) by the Transmission Customer.  This change to policy does not preclude MAPP members who were responsible for providing MAPP losses prior to February 1, 2001 from continuing to provide those losses.

With 30 day prior notification to change of policy, WAPA reserves the right to reinstate MAPP LRP 3rd party loss collection procedure.

If you have any scheduling/tagging questions, please contact:

Current Scheduling Day:   Generation Dispatcher at 605-882-7584
Next  Scheduling Day:      Generation Dispatcher at 605-882-7542

02/14/2005 Update -- OATT Revision & Large Generator Interconnection Procedures/Agreement

Western Area Power Administration has filed a non-jurisdictional modification to its Open Access Transmission Service Tariff (OATT) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  This filing includes the standardized Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (LGIP) and Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA), as well as other adjustments to Western's OATT, including increasing the application processing fee to $3500 across all Western Regions to reflect current costs, and also restoring the deposit requirements in Sections 17.3 and 29.2 for requests of one year duration or greater.


An effective date of February 25, 2005, was requested in this filing to FERC.


Western's Upper Great Plains (UGP) Region will be working with entities that currently have pending requests in the UGP Generation Interconnection queue to transition them under the Large Generator Interconnection Procedures pursuant to Section 5.1 of the LGIP and the associated business practices posted on Western’s UGP OASIS site.


Detailed information regarding this filing can be found at the following web site:  http://www.wapa.gov/oatt.htm.


<>11/01/2004  The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is revising its Open Access Transmission Service Tariff (Tariff).  Western’s existing Tariff was approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) on April 12, 2002.  Western intends to update certain Tariff provisions, adopt the principal features of the Commission’s Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (LGIP) and Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) consistent with applicable law, and to make additional changes to further Western’s mission and transmission marketing efforts.  Western has published a Federal Register notice available at http://www.wapa.gov/media/fedreg.htm announcing a public meeting and an opportunity for informal comments on Western’s revised Tariff prior to filing with the Commission.

The revised Tariff, a summary of changes Western intends to make to its existing Tariff, and information about the tariff revision process is posted on Western’s Web site at http://www.wapa.gov/oatt.htm.

<>02/09/2004 -- Standards of Conduct - WAPA Informational Filing to FERC 2/9/04

Western submitted the following Standards of Conduct (SOC) Informational Filing to FERC on 02/09/04.

<>WAPA SOC Informational Filing, 02/09/2004 (Word document)

<>03/04/2003 -- Notice of Proposed Extension of the Transmission Service Rate Schedules 
Western posted a Federal Register Notice on 03/04/2003 regarding extension of the Transmission Service Rate Schedules through September 30, 2005.  Federal Register Notice, 03/04/2003  (PDF document)
11/20/2002 -- Notice of Initiation of Process to Extend Tariff Rate Schedules 

Western is beginning the process to extend the Tariff Rate Schedules, through September 30, 2005.

-- Update to Timing Requirements regarding E-tags (Updated: 10/07/2002)

Future Day Scheduling: (New: 10/07/2002)

Effective October 14, 2002, for future day scheduling into, out of, or through the WAUE/WAUW Control areas, WAPA will no longer require a separate schedule be faxed to the Operations Office. WAPA will use the E-tag as the schedule to meet this requirement.


Current Day Scheduling: (Updated 10/07/2002)

Effective August 1, 2002, for current day scheduling into, out of, or through the WAUE/WAUW Control areas, WAPA will no longer require a separate schedule be faxed to the Operations Office.  WAPA will use the E-tag as the schedule to meet this requirement.  The E-tag must be available for viewing by 20 minutes prior to the start of the schedule.
<>04/23/2002 -- Posting of A/WAPA/YTW-YTP// and A/WAPA/YTP/YTW// Paths and Associated ATC's 

Effective at 00:00 (Central Time) on 05/01/2002 (concurrent with the rate changes), the boundary of the Integrated System will extend to the Yellowtail (PacifiCorp) substation (New POR/POD of "YTP").  Western has posted the new "YTP" POR/POD and included this new point in the valid POR/POD combinations of the appropriate existing transmission paths.  In addition, Western has posted two new transmission paths on its OASIS page : A/WAPA/YTW-YTP// and A/WAPA/YTP-YTW//.  These paths represent the 230kV tie line between the Yellowtail (WAPA) substation and the Yellowtail (PacifiCorp) substation.  Western, in its latest coordinated review of the Yellowtail substation cost allocations between the Western Upper Great Plains Region and the Western Rocky Mountain Region, has agreed that approximately 25% of the capacity of the 230kV tie line will be included in the Integrated System (IS) based upon the annual Yellowtail substation costs included in the IS rate.  Therefore, the Upper Great Plains Region's share of the tie line is equal to a 120 MW TTC limit in either direction.  Available Transmission Capacity (ATC) values will be posted on the two new paths.

<>WACM Control Area Scheduling Requirements:
Transmission service from/to the new POR/POD of "YTP" will still cross Western's Rocky Mountain Region control area (WACM), and therefore, scheduling and tagging arrangments will still need to be made with the WACM control area, in addition to the WAUW and PACE control areas.

<>02/04/2002 -- Posting of Additional WAPA Scheduled Outages 

Note:  Since the conversion of the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) Security Center to the Mid-West Independent System Operator (MISO) St Paul Security Center, Western’s submitted transmission outage schedules for the back-to-back DC Ties between MAPP and WSCC and Western’s facilities in the WSCC region have been omitted from the Transmission Outage Schedules posted on the MAPP OASIS. Therefore, until such time as these additional outage schedules are restored to the standard MAPP/MISO outage lists, Western will post these additional outage schedules on the WAPA OASIS page under the INFORMATION page, and at the following URL:
