Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)

Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) Documents

Last Update: July 17, 2023, FERC Order (July 11, 2023) approving WAPA Administrative eTariff Corrections Filing EF23-6-000

(Recent Previous Updates)
April 20, 2023, WAPA OATT Revision 22-02 Filing EF23-5-000 (April 19, 2023)

Current Effective Version of WAPA OATT
Recent Previous Versions of WAPA OATT (For Information Only)
WAPA OATT Revision Filings / FERC Orders

DISCLAIMER: WAPA's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) is filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). WAPA's filings and associated FERC orders establish the rates, terms and conditions of service.  These documents are prepared for the convenience of WAPA's customers and any conflicts between these documents and the version filed shall be resolved in favor of the version filed.  FERC provides a tariff viewer to help the public review tariff provisions electronically at the following URL: http://etariff.ferc.gov/TariffList.aspx.

EFFECTIVE Business Practices Common to all Western Regions Note 1.  The Upper Great Plains (UGP) Region of WAPA joined the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) as a transmission owner and transferred functional control of all of its eligible transmission facilities to SPP on October 1, 2015.  Transmission service over those UGP Regional transmission facilities is available solely under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (SPP Tariff).  Ancillary services offered by the UGP Region as a Balancing Authority operator are also solely available under the SPP Tariff.  Therefore, certain WAPA OATT provisions may not be currently applicable in the UGP Region.

Previous Updates:

July 17, 2023, FERC Order (July 11, 2023) approving WAPA Administrative eTariff Corrections Filing EF23-6-000
June 8, 2023, WAPA Administrative eTariff Corrections Filing EF23-6-000
April 20, 2023, WAPA OATT Revision 22-02 Filing EF23-5-000 (April 19, 2023)
March 31, 2023, FERC Order (March 28, 2023) approving OATT Revision 22-01 under Docket No. NJ23-1-000 (DSW EIM)
February 1, 2023, Posting of OATT EFFECTIVE as of 2/01/2023 (OATT Rev 22-01, DSW EIM)
November 3, 2022, WAPA OATT Revision 22-01 Filing NJ23-1-000
May 10, 2022, FERC Order (May 5, 2022) fully approving OATT Revision 21-01 based upon Compliance Filing under Docket No. NJ22-9-000 (Order 845 Revisions).
March 24, 2022, Posting of WAPA Compliance Filing for OATT Revision 21-01 under new Docket No. NJ22-9-000 (Order 845 Revisions) and associated effective OATT documents
February 4, 2022, Posting of FERC Order partially approving OATT Revision 21-01 Filing under Docket No. NJ21-13-000 (Order 845 Revisions)
December 14, 2021, Posting of OATT files EFFECTIVE as of 12/15/2021 (Order 845 Revisions)
September 17, 2021, WAPA OATT Revision 21-01 Filing NJ21-13-000 (September 17, 2021)
August 3, 2021, Posting of EA/EIS Clause Updates (Effective 07/27/2021)
February 19, 2021, Posting of FERC Order approving OATT Revision 20-01 under Docket No. NJ21-1-000 (EIM Revisions - SNR)
January 29, 2021, Posting of OATT files EFFECTIVE as of 02/01/2021 (WEIS Market Revisions - CRSP MC/RMR), and FERC Order approving OATT Revision 20-02 under Docket No. NJ21-4-000 (WEIS Market Revisions - CRSP MC/RMR)
December 20, 2020, Posting of FERC Filing for OATT Revision 20-02 (WEIS Market Revisions - CRSP MC/RMR), and Posting of OATT files EFFECTIVE as of 12/01/2020 (EIM Revisions - SNR)
October 2, 2020, Posting of FERC Filing for OATT Revision 20-01 (EIM Revisions - SNR)
May 6, 2020, Posting of FERC's May 5, 2020 Order on OATT Revision 19-01
February 11, 2020, Posting of OATT files EFFECTIVE as of 02/11/2020
December 15, 2019, Posting of Pending OATT files associated with 12/13/2019 OATT Revision 19-01 FERC Filing
July 18, 2019, Posting of FERC Order related to WAPA's April 1, 2019 filing of OATT Revisions under Docket No. NJ19-10-000
June 3,2019, Posting of OATT files EFFECTIVE as of 06/03/2019.
April 1, 2019, Posting of Pending OATT files associated with 04/01/2019 OATT Revision 18-01 FERC Filing.
June 23, 2016, General updates to Logo, Addition of Note 1 regarding the Upper Great Plains Region.
May 18, 2016, Updates to WAPA OATT Revision Filings / FERC Orders listings.
September 5, 2013, Updates to EIS and EA Environmental Review Agreement Templates.
May 13, 2013, Updates include posting of OATT files associated with 04/12/13 OATT Revision Filing.