OASIS Related Information 1/24/2006


·  If problems occur, which cannot be resolved on OASIS, call:

Carl Scott       802-747-5534

Grant Adams  802-747-5344

Ken Roberts    802-747-5650
CVPS Control Center 802-747-5257

CVPS is a vertically integrated utility that owns a share of the Phase I/II facility between ISO-NE and Hydro Quebec. CVPS uses a portion of the total maximum capacity from this interconnection along with the Highgate interconnection facility to deliver 122.8 MW of firm power and energy under a long term contract with HQ ("HQ VJO Contract"). The HQ VJO Contract predates FERC's Open Access Orders 888 and 889 and the RTO Open Access Tariff thus CVPS has grandfathered transmission rights. The HQ VJO Contract requires purchase by CVPS of energy at an annual load factor of 75%, subject to small variations in certain years. Thus, CVPS has unused transmission capacity based on 40% of maximum capacity in all hours and up to 100% of maximum in those hours when CVPS does not schedule energy under the HQ VJO Contract, subject to actual TTC of each transmission path.


HQ Interconnection Services

§                                   ISO-NE posts daily on behalf of CVPS the CVPS share of TTC for Phase I/II  based on a 9.26191% share of Phase I/II (combined percentage interest per Restated Use Agreement effective 9/1/2001). The CVPS TTC share at maximum is 185.2 based on TTCs of 2000. The Phase I/II share includes interconnection rights of others per a brokering agreement, which is described on a separate posting on the CVPS OASIS site.

§                                   For total TTC for Phase I/II and Highgate, see Hydro Quebec ties , which is updated daily by ISO-NE

§                                   FERC ordered to reinstate the HQ Interconnection Capacity Credit (HQICC) for the Phase II interconnection. The ICAP treatment of monthly transactions on Phase II has thus changed starting 6/1/2002. CVPS intends to keep its entire share of the HQICC, so that no HQICC is transferred to the Transmission Customer. The Transmission Customer may receive ICAP treatment for all or part of the capacity reserved, if certain conditions are met. ISO-NE rules specify conditions for ICAP credit from the Phase II interconnection.

§                                   CVPS is only posting Non-Firm Transmission Services on HQ Interconnections.

§                                   HQ Phase I/II Transmission Paths :



Other Services

§                                   Local Network Point-to-Point Service 

CVPS posts rates for service over the CVPS Subtransmission System, which are non-PTF facilities  connecting to the PTF system, generally through the VELCO system,  under ISO-NE Open Access RTO Tariff (formerly CVPS Tariff 7) on OASIS. This is found under the unconstrained "NE/CVPS/OTHER/Local" path, (ATC = 9999).

§                                   North Hartland Hydro Generation  

§                                   The North Hartland hydroelectric project was formerly owned by Vermont Electric Cooperative.  The project is connected to the CVPS 12.47 kv distribution system with a dedicated circuit to the Quechee substation.  Pursuant to an order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the CVPS facilities associated with the North Hartland hydroelectric project including Line 66 from Pole 115 to the Quechee Substation and the reconstruction of the Quechee Substation to accommodate the new three-phase circuit are dedicated interconnection facilities directly assigned to the North Hartland project and are no longer included in the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff. Central Vermont Public Service Corporation, 106 FERC 61,247 (March, 2004).  The remaining portion of the Quechee Substation are common facilities, are not part of the dedicated interconnection facilities directly assigned to the North Hartland project, and are included in the Company’s Open Access Transmission Tariff.

§                                   The new owner of or the purchaser of the output of the 4.0 MW North Hartland hydro generation unit must purchase Point-To-Point Transmission Service on both the CVPS subtransmission and distribution systems, the latter of which comprises the common Quechee Substation facilities only.  The rate for use of the CVPS subtransmission can be queried by Query Capacity Type "Local Monthly Firm P to P" with path set at "NE/CVPS/OTHER/Local".   The rate for use of the CVPS distribution system can queried by Query Capacity Type "Local Monthly N Hartland Dist" with path set at "NE/CVPS/N Hartland/Local".   


Transmission Service Requests 

§                 Special Notice for Phase I/II : Transmission Customers that purchase Phase I/II Monthly Service may be entitled to the HQ Interconnection Credit. CVPS assumes that each request is for transmission capacity that will be used for an ICAP contract, which means that CVPS cannot use its HQ Interconnection Credit on the transmission capacity that is sold. If a customer desires to not use an ICAP credit, then it must so indicate in the Comments field. If so indicated, CVPS will retain the HQ Interconnection Credit on the transmission capacity sold.

§                 Transmission Customers of CVPS may leave the price field of a transmission service request blank. If left blank, CVPS will interpret the request price as that of the current rate posted for the highest cost pathname (interface) used by the request. CVPS will reflect this in its seller comments associated with the request. 

§                 The OASIS product only allows the posting of weekly offerings on a Monday to Monday basis. Regardless of the postings, transmission customers may request weekly transmission service for any seven (7) consecutive calendar days. To determine whether there is sufficient transmission capacity for such a request, query the daily offerings for the seven days for which service will be purchased.

Transmission Service Reassignment (Resale) 

§                 Transmission Customers with Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service rights may post those rights for resale once for each path (interface) used by the rights. To determine the paths used by the rights go to the ISO-NE Map and observe which paths (interfaces) are crossed only once as one traces their organization's rights from Point of Receipt (POR) to Point of Delivery (POD). Transmission Customers may not post on paths crossed once in each direction. Such rights make no net use of the path in either direction. If the rights do not cross any path only once, the rights may be posted by the customer under the generic interface called "OTHER" (see below).  

§                 Regardless of whether a set of rights crosses an interface or not, a transmission customer may post those rights for resale under the generic path called "OTHER". The "OTHER" path represents a generic aggregation of all unrestricted transmission paths across the CVPS Transmission System. It is posted with an ATC of "9999" to reflect the fact there is no commercial restriction to short-term commercial transactions unless those transactions use one or more of the posted paths (for example, NY to NE).  

§                 As a courtesy for their potential customers, transmission customers posting rights for resale are strongly recommended to post the POR and POD of the rights under the "Seller Comments" of the posting.  

§                 If an assignee (the purchaser of rights for resale) desires a change of POR and/or POD (or any other service specification) on a firm basis, it may be necessary for CVPS to perform a System Impact Study before such specification changes can be accommodated. The Assignor (the Transmission Customer selling the rights) may request CVPS to evaluate the need for a System Impact Study prior to accepting a service request from a customer looking to purchase the assignor's transmission service rights. Requests can be made by contacting CVPS at 1-802-747-5222 (during normal business hours: 8 AM - 5:00 PM, non-holiday weekdays). CVPS will respond to the inquiry under the "Provider Comments" area of the OASIS (if the transmission service request to the assignor was made on the OASIS) or under the "Want Ads" section of the OASIS (if the transmission service request to the assignor has been made off of the OASIS). If a System Impact Study is required, a study agreement will have to be entered into between the assignee and CVPS before such study commences.  

Ancillary Services  

§                 Unless specified in a transmission customer's service agreement, transmission customers will not be billed for Transmission Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service (T Scheduling) and Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service (Reactive). The cost of scheduling, as stated in Schedule 1 of the ISO New England Inc., FERC Electric Tariff No. 3, Section II – Open Access Transmission Tariff, are included with other Tariff charges. The rates for Reactive Ancillary Service are provided in Schedule 2, but CVPS does not currently plan to apply this Schedule.  

§                 The cost of Generation Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service (G Scheduling) from CVPS (Schedule 1 of the of ISO New England Inc., FERC Electric Tariff No. 3, Section II – Open Access Transmission Tariff) is included in other charges.  

§                 If a transmission customer is transmitting power to a load located on the CVPS Transmission System, it may need to purchase Regulation and Frequency Response Service (Regulation), Energy Imbalance Service (Energy Imbalance), Operating Reserve - Spinning Reserve Service (Spinning Reserve) and Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve Service (Supplemental Reserve) (See Schedules 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively, of ISO New England Inc., FERC Electric Tariff No. 3, Section II – Open Access Transmission Tariff).